As Australia’s decline continues and social cohesion frays apart at the seams, it’s now both sides of the law-and-order spectrum that are being affected.
The reputation of the police has rightly soured since COVID and continues to do so with their two-tier harassment of Australian nationalists, while violent crime goes through the roof. Top Victoria cop Shane Patton’s dismissal last week was just a symptom of a much bigger problem.
Apart from that the judicial system is actively destroying the social contract allowing criminals, particularly foreign criminals, to run amok while police are caught in the middle and recruitment numbers are unsurprisingly through the floor. The current state of the judicial system and bail laws are the number one cause of this chaos, especially in Victoria.
Our illustrious Australian ruling class have decided to fill this manpower gap by doing what they do best and bringing in foreign Police. I explained at length in my previous article about why police cannot get anyone to join, so I’m not going to go over that again. However, I will say again that bringing in cops from foreign countries is going to severely worsen this situation.
I warned about this a few months ago and it seems I’ve unfortunately been proven correct.
States and territories have been recruiting foreign police mainly from the UK for over a decade. South Australia and Western Australia have done the majority of it, but some have made their way to other states. Now that invitation has been extended to other Five Eyes Countries, and my fear is it will soon be open to anyone with a pulse. In my opinion, a foreigner who has been here for five minutes and gotten a piece of paper saying he’s Australian, is the same thing as recruiting a foreigner directly.
From my experience I will say the UK coppers, for all the nonsense going on over there with ridiculous policing of the internet for thought crimes, are actually pretty good to work with. Good attention to detail, good communicators and good interview skills – the actual interview technique taught to Australian police originated in the UK.
However, they’re from the country which gave birth to Australia and share our heritage so they can assume the role fairly easily. Most importantly, they speak English.
I can’t say the same for this Sikh clown and the level of cringe I felt when I saw this video which is going to be an increasingly common occurrence:
Australian police will have to ride with interpreters if this is the new standard
— auspill (@aus_pill) February 3, 2025
Similar to the unprofessionalism exhibited by this Indian NSW police officer, this is just absolutely atrocious. He can’t even correctly articulate the purpose of the roadside intercept or what is about to happen. When you’re depriving someone’s liberty, you best be able to explain yourself to the magistrate later on, but he’s a migrant so he might get away with it.
Your most important weapon out there in uniform isn’t your firearm, pepper spray or taser, it’s your mouth. Communication is 90% of your job, the remaining 10% is being drowned in paperwork.
I bet my bottom dollar that this bloke is on his Facebook bragging back to his family in India about how well he’s doing. I’d also speculate his work standards are really bad and his court briefs and investigative skills are terrible – that’s certainly the case when I worked with a couple of Indian officers and has been the experience of former colleagues also.
When you have someone that can’t even speak English properly, the potential for misunderstanding escalates significantly and the chance of conflict increases. This also puts colleagues at massive risk and Victoria Police are opening themselves to some real problems.
If you do find yourself in a situation like the one above, I would politely ask to speak to the Australian officer instead. Don’t be a dick about it, but you’ll make your point.
Giving foreigners firearms and power over the locals is going to get out of control and create a further rift between the community. And it’s not just full uniform members, the Protective Service Officers (who only do a 12-week course and are given a gun) are also being infiltrated.
If you’re complaining about corrupt police now, Indian officers policing Indian migrants is going to turn into levels of corruption and complete incompetence that you’ve never seen before. They’re also terrible at dealing with violence and basically equivalent to having a female officer working with you – we’ve seen the results of that too many times.
We’ve also got the dog shooting phenomenon beginning, unsurprising when you see the calibre of officers being recruited by WA Police.
Others have stated we are basically in a state of anarcho-tyranny and they would be quite right. We have foreigners doing what they want and getting away with it as criminals, and now we’re going to have foreigners doing what they want in uniform and getting away with it.
You’ve also got groups like the Community Services Group influencing policing from the outside They are basically a private Police force for Melbourne’s Jewish community similar to the Shomrim in the London and New York City and have very close ties with Israeli intelligence and security forces. This really shouldn’t be allowed in my opinion, due to the foreign interference risk and further creating a two-tier policing environment.
In short, foreigners policing citizens is basically how Rome fell and we’re trying to speedrun it.
Australia may not have a “Defund the Police” movement but it certainly does have a “Demoralise the Police” movement which has the same effect – they leave in droves and you’re witnessing it and the dangerous void it’s leaving.
If you want police numbers to be back in the hands of locals, you’re going to need to do a number of things which I previously wrote about. In the interim, Victoria Police especially just need to come out and issue an apology for COVID and move on. It’s a small thing but would go a long way to restore trust that is diminishing by the second.
It would also get people like Libertarian activist Topher Field off of their backs. The Libertarian Party are also suggesting private police – apart from the example I gave above, there’s this place called South Africa which offers this model and while we’re doing our best to import African crime, importing their policing model will complete the transition into Megacity One (I believe Johannesburg is where Dredd was actually filmed).
At the end of the day, having people who are not native to your nation is going to increase community hostility towards authority and you’re going to have more violence and eventually, people deciding to take matters into their own hands. You’re seeing this start already.
Law and order is a good thing for a healthy society, but it needs to be Australian law and order for Australians.
If you’re aren’t going to police your border, you won’t be able to police your society.
Agent 47 is a former Victoria Police officer. He served for more than a decade but left before COVID.