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Dutton is right on international student rorts – but he won’t stop them

Peter Dutton caused a stir on Ray Hadley’s program last week, likening the international student rorts that have plagued Australia to asylum seeker boat arrivals:

Well, he’s right and it’s not just happening in Australia. We already have data showing the sheer amount of fake students lodging fake asylum claims to extend their stay here:

“The federal government’s crackdown on overseas students is behind a giant spike in onshore refugee visa applications as students push to extend their stay in the country.

There were 10,725 applications for refugee status in the year to May, with the largest number from Chinese nationals.

Data reveals that since 2018 about 4200 Chinese who arrived in Australia on a tourist visa subsequently applied for a refugee visa. Malaysians were the second-highest group of former students to apply for refugee status, followed by India and Thailand.”

The entire appeals system facilitates this rort too but that’s the subject of an entirely different article.

Labor’s proposed student caps are also a joke. It’s doing the absolute minimum and they don’t go far enough. It’s the usual case of fucking around the edges but appeasing the student industrial complex.

Australian nationalist Graham Campbell wrote in 1995 about these student rorts happening in the 90s in his excellent book, Australia Betrayed. Fake students have been a staple of the Australian economy for 40 years, but only now that the economy is really starting to implode and hit the average person does anyone seem to care or want something done.

More to the point, Dutton did very little about this when he was Home Affairs Minister under Abbott/Morrison. Yes, he was good at deporting criminals but that means very little when the sheer volume of foreigners being imported is overwhelming law enforcement, corrections services and Border Force’s ability to deal with it. This also partially explains why the ABS wants to censor ethnicity data at the next census.

On Friday, Migration Watch’s Jordan Knight did an excellent mini-thread on fake colleges as the new human trafficking hubs which you should check out:

I’ll add to that and advise people to check out ABN LookUp. Type in a common foreign surname (eg Singh) and see just how many ABNs for sole traders have been set-up. Also, pay close attention to just how many are “Not Registered for GST” as legally required (particularly in the rideshare racket) helping migrants to avoid paying tax – a rebuke of the “but I pay tax” argument.

I would also like to see the ATO’s ABN data cross-referenced with Home Affairs data with these, in regard to when these ABNs were started and the arrival date of these people into Australia. I’d bet it would overwhelmingly show it would be shortly after arriving in Australia, further validating that it’s just open borders with extra steps.

Setting up an ABN is the easiest work around any kind of student visa enforcement and until this is shutdown it will just continue.

Knight is bang on calling these colleges being legalised people smugglers – instead of paying an Indonesian fisherman $50,000 USD to jump on a boat, destroy your identity and play the long game to get access to Australia and its social infrastructure you never paid into, you spend $10K to enrol in a bullshit course run by one of your diaspora and pretend to study. All the while, working illegally in low skilled industries and pushing wages down and house prices up.

Dutton isn’t going to shut this rort down, too many donors to the Liberal Party will ensure that. He’s flagged a moderate cut to immigration and a farcical two-year ban on foreign real estate purchases but ultimately it’s more of the same.

Anything less than border closures and mass deportations will not solve it.

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