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Double standard on Indian-only room rentals slammed by Anglo-Celtic community: ‘Multiculturalism is tyranny’

Australia’s leading Anglo-Celtic advocacy group has slammed double standards on discriminatory rental ads after a listing for Indians and Nepalese only went viral this week.

The Gumtree ad for a $150/week room in southwest Sydney sparked outrage on social media after being shared on X on last Sunday by Migration Watch Australia founder Jordan Knight, and is just one of many excluding White Australians and non-south Asian ethnicities that can be found on the site.

British Australian Community (BAC) president Harry Richardson told Noticer News the ad highlighted a hypocrisy present in Australian society where minorities were allowed to preference their own groups but Anglo-Celtic Australians were not.

“This advert resembles a similar one posted the year before in an Adelaide online rental group. After detailing the room, the landlord stated: ‘I would prefer non-ethnic (meaning ‘Anglo-Celtic’) people as I have had problems with them in the past’. The adverts were similar, but not the reactions to them,” Mr Richardson said.

“The Gumtree post went almost unnoticed, except for by Migration Watch Australia. By contrast, the Adelaide advert caused a storm, inspiring an article in News Corporation’s news.com.au. This article bullied the landlord, calling her ‘racist’ which caused her to take down the advert.”

Mr Richardson said that while some might find both listings objectionable, the BAC has a different view.

“In a multicultural society, ethnic preference should be treated as normal. In both cases, the tenant would live in the house with the owner. It was to be a face-to-face arrangement. All ethnic groups tend to prefer their own company, as cultural maps of Sydney and Melbourne attest. These maps show that self-segregation is common.

“Ethnic groups cluster together, giving suburbs various ethnic flavours. This is common around the world. It is human nature. Many (though not all) people self-segregate when they have freedom of association.

“The state should not interfere in this freedom, except where it contravenes contract. Yet one of the Government’s first responses to the rising diversity which they initiated, was to restrict freedom of association – at least for White people.”

But at the same time, minorities have always been expected and encouraged to associate with their own kind, Mr Richardson said, calling it the “hypocrisy of multiculturalism”.

“When minorities discriminate to favour their own, they are invisible or seen as motivated by identity and affection. When Anglo-Celts do the same, they are accused of being motivated by hate,” he said.

“The double standard is made possible by an ethnic hierarchy, in which every group is allowed to associate with whom they like, except for Anglo-Celts.

“In reality, Multiculturalism is tyranny.”

The Indian and Nepalese-only room rental provoked a lively discussion on X, with several users recounting their experiences living in western Sydney, where many suburbs are now minority Australian.

“In 2018 I had a lot of Indian friends. I mentioned I should get an apartment in their complex so that I could live closer (I lived about an hour away.) They all laughed like I was stupid and explained how I can’t get an apartment there because I’m White,” said one.

“I was 17 working front of house at Rashays as the only person that wasn’t Nepalese. I remember this guy came in once asking if his CV could be given to the manager. He said to make sure they knew he was Nepalese. This is just how they are,” said another.

Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has allowed 1.15 million immigrants into Australia since taking power, with Indians making up 18% of the intake in the last financial year.

There were 92,940 Indian arrivals, followed by China on 12% with 64,320, and the Philippines on 8% and 40,890. Next were Nepal, Colombia, the UK, Vietnam, Pakistan, New Zealand, and Thailand.

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