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Driver, 24, charged with ‘hate crime’ for yelling ‘homophobic comments’ from a car in Sydney

A man will face court after allegedly making “homophobic” comments towards two strangers in a Sydney suburb known for its large gay population.

NSW Police said on Monday that a 24-year-old was charged with an alleged “hate crime” over an incident in Darlinghurst on Sunday.

Two men aged 34 and 31 were walking along Palmer Street when the older man was allegedly threatened by another male, police said.

“A short time later the unknown male allegedly drove past the pair on several occasions in a vehicle where a number of offensive comments of a homophobic nature were made,” police said.

Police were contacted and later stopped the car near Bourke St and spoke with two men inside.

The driver, 24, was arrested and taken to Kings Cross Police Station while his passenger was released.

The man was then charged with stalk/intimidate intend fear physical etc harm (personal) and common assault.

He will appear again in court in December after being granted conditional bail.

Header image: Palmer Street, Darlinghurst User:Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons (cropped)

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