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Bodycam footage shows homeless maniac still had pulse after being restrained by subway hero Daniel Penny

Bombshell new bodycam footage shows police declaring that homeless schizophrenic Jordan Neely still had a pulse after being restrained by Marine veteran Daniel Penny last year on a subway in New York City.

[Full footage can be viewed here.]

From The Daily Mail, “Daniel Penny trial bombshell: Homeless man still had a pulse after chokehold that prosecutors say killed him”:

Two police officers confirmed that Neely still had a pulse when they arrived.

‘I got a pulse,’ one said. A second police officer confirmed that he too felt a pulse.

Neely was unconscious, lying on the subway car floor.

When asked how Neely ended up there, Penny replied: ‘I put him out.’

Despite initially detecting a pulse, they issued Narcan – the drug used to reverse opioid overdoses – to Neely – and started CPR at 2.38pm.

Paramedics from Northwell Health arrived on the train at 2.48pm – 15 minutes after the police.

At 3.13pm – almost 45 minutes after police first arrived – Neely was still on the train, by then surrounded by paramedics. The bodycam released by the court today ends then.

He was not pronounced dead until he arrived at Lenox Health Hospital in Greenwich Village later that afternoon.

Among witnesses on the first day of evidence was an NYPD Sergeant who testified that none of his team performed mouth-to-mouth on Neely because he was a ‘drug user’.

‘He seemed to be a drug user.. he was an apparent drug user. He was very dirty. I didn’t want them to get… hepatitis.

‘If he did wake up he would have been vomiting. I didn’t want my officers to do that.

‘He was filthy. He looked like a homeless individual. You have to protect your officer,

‘I wouldn’t want my officer to get sick if the person throws up,’ he said.

The prosecutor’s argument is a comical disgrace.

From ABC News, “Daniel Penny tells police ‘I put him out’ in never-before-seen video as subway chokehold trial gets underway”:

Prosecutors said Daniel Penny may be an “honorable veteran” and “nice young man” but he used too much force for too long and was reckless with Jordan Neely’s life because “he didn’t recognize his humanity,” as the highly publicized trial over Neely’s death on a New York City subway train got underway Friday. The defense, meanwhile, argued in opening statements that the former Marine stood up to “protect thy neighbor.”

Penny is charged with manslaughter and negligent homicide in the May 2023 death of Neely, a homeless man who was acting erratically on a subway car.

“He was aware of the risk his actions would kill Mr. Neely and did it anyway,” Assistant District Attorney Dafna Yoran said of Penny in her opening statement.

“Jordan Neely took his last breaths on the dirty floor of an uptown F train,” she told a rapt jury.

Never in a million years would this case have went to trial if Penny was black and Neely was white.

In fact, the state would be throwing parades in black Penny’s honor.

As I reported last year, Neely is a career criminal with over 40 arrests who had an open felony warrant out for his arrest for felony assault at the time of the incident.

He was convicted of attempting to kidnap a 7-year-old girl in 2015 and only received four months in jail.

The reason Neely wasn’t in prison or a mental institution and was instead free to terrorize New Yorkers with impunity was because he was on a secret New York City “top 50” list of homeless people in need of “assistance and treatment” from social workers as opposed to police.

The political prosecutions of Daniel Penny, Ian CranstonDerek Chauvin and Jake Gardner have all made it abundantly clear that in the New America™ your innocence or guilt is not determined by the preponderance of evidence but by your race.

Joe Biden ran on scrapping what he called our “English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture” — the idea of being innocent until proven guilty and being entitled to a fair trial where you’re judged by a jury of your peers — and Attorney General Merrick Garland followed through on his pledge.

This article originally appeared on Information Liberation and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

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