As reality dissolves, we have returned to the perspective of the Ancients, to a time of direct and subjective interpretations of experience that crushes the realist mode set forth by scientific objectivism. In such a world, the Left has only found nihilism and nothingness, ultimately terminating in the fake and the gay. The Right, still breathing, will return to the unfiltered realities of the Past, and there we will find God(s), Archetypes, Truths and Absolute Freedom.
But the Right as it is currently conceived cannot and will not be the force that creates anew, the ‘strong men that create good times’. In true postmodern fashion, it is the Right’s unquestioning faith in hierarchy, and reliance on its implied structures, which has and will cause it to collapse under the sheer weight of the topsy-turvy. No. Any idea or way of living that does not require societal collapse to implement its vision must come in the form and sentiments of a right-wing postmodernism, a value driven belief set of contradictions requiring an individualist but divine interpretation to survive being subjected to a subjective reality.
Leftist thought, beginning with the 1960s counterculture, has already sparred with the postmodern, and the results are all around us. The Right has never had a chance to face these problems, but they will. They must.
Regardless of one’s feelings on the matter, the 1950s were a dogmatic and, in ways, repressive time. One does not have to agree with the counterculture to know there was, if nothing else, something to rebel against with a newly established order, the arrogant certainty of post-war America with its moral outrage and the expectations of authority figures who had no authority; all of which culminated in the moral crisis of consciousness that was the Vietnam War, the definitive event of what became the American political split, our 9/11.
It is here that our parallels begin.
Beginning with the black humorists of the sixties, irony and outrage were used to mock, subvert and laugh at the established moral authority. As the counterculture faded in its hippie form, partially in response to inflation and demographical animosities, partially to people getting older, then those who still were wed to these counter-cultural ideas congregated to begin new projects, many of which would go on to great commercial and academic success (art, media or academia being the only places where new ideas are readily considered) eventually creating the narratives, and thereby the opportunities, for these ideas to coalesce alongside parallel industries to house them. Recently, this has ended in a truly mind-bending death spiral at the hands of their own dogma and adherence, the inevitable demise of any overly structured and definitive ideology. The Left has become, as @17shytepoaster put it, “comically parochial…the ironic reason it can’t make art is that no one actually cares about its specific works, which are all interchangeable. Because it is inhuman and dead. Postmodernism killed it”.
The Right has now taken its place as the subversive force against hegemony. From the wild youthful energy of the meme wars, to explicit political opposition, to the development of Frog Twitter as centralization, to the rise of thought leaders, to alternative publications and industry, to environmental activism, to RWBB as holistic hippies, to the political burnouts that will never recover; the parallels are everywhere.
And yet once the Right has had some general success, once it finds manifestation in the twenty-first century that does not look like the twentieth, it will have to actually face the postmodern condition of self-awareness as a success, where its identity will be required to justify itself outside of its enemy and its opposition. Make no mistake, the Right is picking up where it left off in Modernism and has not yet faced the postmodern truths of linguistic shaping of reality, the symbiotic relationship between the high and the low and, perhaps most importantly, the truth of power dynamics; being the most meaningful and convincing interpretations of reality. Individual interpretation followed by number of agreeing adherents is hierarchy is authority is power. There is no difference between this and the denominations of Christianity. There is no difference between this and reverence for Shakespeare. There is no difference between this and anything that is believed. This is the postmodern truth at its core. Behold the power of Faith.
But the Right as it stands now is not, and perhaps never will be, equipped for such deconstruction. Creative forces have returned with the accelerative and connective properties of technology and the Right being made into an underclass. The institutional class, what many refer to as the elites or aristocracy, only discriminates and refines, never creating anew. It is their nature. Half of what our most educated and impressive minds say is nothing more than regurgitations. Any “elites”, even our own, are raised, designed and live to impress. Take away being impressed, and they have nothing. Take away the kowtowing of others and you have nothing. The unfortunate truth is that this works for anything that is worshiped. See how this applies to our sphere? See why so many are impotent? See why the Right can’t subvert ANYTHING? As long as the Right worships only itself or the past, it is fucked.
Energy is proportional to proximity of survival. What is laid bare are, in fact, structures of being, and this seemingly arbitrary milieu is a kaleidoscope of realities which out of sheer necessity will require moral governance and the imposition of order, but we live in post-reality, and yet, the Right wants to bring their old interpretations, their lily white refinements of the explicit past into it?
With the leveling by the internet, and with Power once again returning to those who might interpret reality in the most seemingly truthful and empowering way, Reality is but a battle of narrative. We are starting the world over. The machines have taken over the world as we knew it, the world our beliefs were designed and adept at interpreting. What comes next is all up for grabs. We are not living through a collapse (actual collapse is not worth thinking about). We have reached a new level of living and we are on the ground floor. Everyone thinks it is a collapse, because it is flat! This is also why we can’t rely on the past. It is now only a foundation for the New. This is the ONLY reality of our situation.
Common to the entirety of the Right is what is common among our forebears. Nietzsche, Jung and Christ all arrive at believing in the divinity of man. Conception of man as divine without the structures of modernity and sent into the malaise to manifest himself. We need nothing more than that. MORAL JUDGMENT…HIGHER IDEALS to be conceptualized as the 733TS cling to their refinements like drowning rats. All other ideas AS THEY ARE CURRENTLY CONCEIVED are inherently conservative in their image and have already been destroyed by the power of postmodern truths.
The Messianic-Right, the Christbros, the Monarchists, the Caesarists, for which I have true sympathy, say I’ve got that old time religion and it’s good enough for me. Much love to my brothers but their entire impetus is different versions of RETVRN. But we can’t go back and no one is going to. To be a conservative of any kind is to now wish for the sustainment of the current Regime and is to degrade your ancestor’s work by admitting that you were never able to contribute to it.
If your movement is forced to wait for dissolution, then those who would hold onto the old ways AS WE CURRENTLY UNDERSTAND THEM will disappear with the ashes of time. Every reactionary must begin to create the past anew.
The Right’s former purpose of preservation has been destroyed as the Left has now become institutional. Yes, we can rebuild. Yes, we must start again. But it must be proactive. It must be a renaissance of thought, rather than a return. It cannot be the rote learning and regurgitation of ancient wisdom and twentieth century political theory. We no longer have the luxury of pointing toward history or even science to support our ideas. All of these, their reputation and meaning, have been deformed, even in our own minds. Even the moral structures of old have become our prisons.

We are now become the guerrillas of culture. Our position is one that requires a trait often foreign to the Right: Openness. Not to mean the wide armed embrace of come-as-you-are-intersectional-identitarian depravity, but the all-encompassing desire and demand to avoid dogmatic and creative restraint. There is nothing to conserve, my frends.
Now that the Leftist interpretation of postmodernism has taken its place at the head of civilization, it has already been found wanting. It is slow, it is stupid and it is unnatural, but if we here in this age do not subvert, if we do not create anew, if we do not mock and strategize, if we simply wait for a Messiah, if we do not rebel as Youth, if we hold onto things as we knew them like old men, if we only look backward, then those who will rebel will be the leftist youth of the future, and their work will by necessity be right wing. But they may never have the chance, and they will curse us, rightfully so, for pointing backward while our present and their future was taken.
The Right’s reverence of hierarchy is an inherently submissive state. The Left has no such qualms. Our old ways of seeing and representing the past were not strong enough to withstand the onslaught of these new, inherently destructive, subversive and partial-truths. That is not to say the old Truths have been obliterated. Indeed, they have been buried and hidden. And only the reinterpreted, only the newly discovered, only the unknown can teach us them again in their most unadulterated form.
Dissolution of objective reality is already here. Postmodernism begins to tinge our consciousness and thoughts as the Right is re-imagined in the context of the 21st century. Embrace narratives of power. Embrace the contradictions. Stop speaking of Decline. Get up. Get off your knees, you who can only worship the Past!
Cthulhu now turns Right. Become Cthulhu. Samizdat. Counter-culture. Subvert. Reckless abandon. What is vitalist joy if not windmilling our dicks at the establishment while creating what they never will and never could be a part of? Commit heresy to find Truth. God will forgive you if your heart is pure. Reject the constraints of the Past. You do not honor your ancestors by exhuming and showcasing their corpses. Use only what your idols said that is relevant and suits your purpose NOW. Study and interpret for yourself. Reject scholarship. Reject credentials. Reject analysis. Fuck expertise and the priest class. Read the Prophet William Blake and wipe your ass with the Harold Bloom accompaniment. Burn down every value the Left holds onto and find your freedom in the flames. They have already done the same to you!
It is no longer relevant who an author was responding to in his day. This is masturbation of the intellect. It is relevant how/if he leads you to a Divine Truth newly conceived. Reject centralization. Reject the Cathedrals; Catholic, Yarvian and otherwise. Embrace Protestantism of the Intellect and Soul. Be filled with the Holy Ghost through your own passions and interpretations. They say the Gods are hidden from us. Nay! They only appear to individuals who will go into the darkness. You will only find Them in the areas that have not been defined, not corrupted. Reject the cuckoldry of refinement. Reject aristocracy beyond your own soul and bring new structures to the uncivilized. Do not rely on what came before to justify yourself.
Your ideas as you learned them have been corrupted. Your conceptions as you formed them have been corrupted. The truth as you believed it, had faith in it and lived it, has been corrupted. But with the dissolution of realities comes the return of Prophets, and in the space of ABSOLUTE freedom the God(s) will show themselves to us once more. Hearken as they whisper:
All civilization heretofore not of the machines will be born of those who would create anew!
All Civilization Heretofore Not Of The Machines Will Be Born Of Those Who Would Create Anew!!
This article originally appeared on Fictions by P.C.M. Christ and is republished by The Noticer with permission. You can find P.C.M. Christ on X.