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Collateral damage: Australians sacrificed on the altar of openness

When did the regular slaying of Australians by foreigners on our home soil became so normal? Earlier this month in Queensland, 70-year-old Vyleen White was allegedly stabbed to death in front of her granddaughter in an Ipswich shopping centre. A 16-year-old Sudanese refugee was charged with her murder.

Her death came in the wake of the similar alleged stabbing of Dr Ash Gordon. The Melbourne GP killed in pursuit of youths who had allegedly broken into his Doncaster home. Two teenagers have since been charged.

But this is not the only way Australians are being murdered – the two aforementioned alleged killings were preceded by the most infamous attack in our recent history – the Lindt Café siege in Sydney. The 2014 incident involved a 16-hour standoff with police and two hostages were tragically killed. The perpetrator? Iranian-born refugee Man Haron Monis.

These senseless crimes are the result of our fanatical dedication to the idea of “openness”. Vyleen White et al. are the collateral damage of a cosmopolitan consensus that that no country has the right to impose an immigration policy that is even slightly exclusionary. Thus we are all potential victims of the delusional idea that all immigrants are equally good for all countries, which must be open to all, regardless of the consequences, no matter how tragic.

This is evident in our mass immigration program and emphasis on diversity, and highlighted by the behaviour of the asylum seekers we have let in, especially those from Africa and the Islamic world.

There are too many crimes perpetrated by refugees or recent immigrants to list here, but in Melbourne alone we have been cursed with a series of outrageous examples.

In 2014 there was the case of Numan Haidar, an 18-year-old of Afghan descent who stabbed two police officers in Endeavour Hills before being shot by one of the officers he had attacked.

Then there was Saeed Noori, an Afghan who arrived here in 2004 with six of his siblings. In echoes of the terror attacks which plagued Europe in the 2010s, Noori ploughed his car into pedestrians in December 2017, killing one man and injuring 16 others. 82-year-old Antonios Crocaris died eight days later.

Perhaps the most tragic story, though, is that of Sisto Malaspina. Mr Malaspina, the much-loved proprietor of Pellegrini’s café, was killed in 2018 by Somali-born Hassan Shire Ali. In a premeditated attack, Shire Ali set fire to a vehicle containing gas bottles and embarked on a stabbing spree, taking the life of Mr Malaspina before he was shot by police.

This trend hasn’t improved. In September last year, in another car attack in Melbourne, a driver allegedly sped through the CBD, striking pedestrians before crashing into traffic. And yet again, another innocent Australian was killed. In this instance it was 76-year-old Brunswick man and philanthropist John Haasz.

This brings the tally of such events to five in seven years in just one city, almost all of which involved offenders of African or Islamic origin. And the symbolism of elderly restauranteurs and philanthropists being struck down by recent migrants only compounds the senselessness of their deaths.

But we don’t even need such gruesome examples to illustrate the failures of our immigration and asylum regimes, as they are evident in countless much-more mundane events, and symbolised through figures such as ex-AFL star Majak Daw.

Daw, born in Sudan and one of seven children, came to Australia via our refugee program in 2003. Once here, however, Daw was charged with rape and found not guilty. Last year he had his licence cancelled for offences including driving on the footpath while over the legal alcohol limit. Daw also narrowly survived a suicide attempt in 2018 after jumping off Melbourne’s Bolte Bridge. He was fished out of the water by authorities and taken to a nearby hospital.

All of this is in keeping with his ethnic brethren, with Sudanese offenders stunningly overrepresented in our crime statistics. Indeed, the Sudanese-born have the highest imprisonment rate of any immigrant group in the land. In Victoria, despite being just 0.16% of the population, in 2016 they comprised 7% of those charged with home invasion, 6% of the car theft charges, and 14% of those for aggravated robbery.

Yet our elites appear to have learnt nothing. Only a few days ago there was another indictment of our political class and their refugee darlings. In reference to a recent High Court decision which led to the release of asylum seekers in indefinite detention, it has come to light that among those released were seven murderers, 37 sex offenders and 72 violent criminals.

One of them was violent sex offender Aliyawar Yawari. Mr Yawari, an Afghan refugee, was already known to police after attacking three women in 2013 and 2014. Yet he has again been arrested and stands accused of indecently assaulting a woman in an Adelaide hotel since his release.

Yet it’s worse still. We’ve also learnt that of the 149 detainees released so far, 24 have reoffended and 18 have been charged by police. The exact number still in custody is unknown and the government hasn’t disclosed whether the reoffenders had prior convictions of potentially the most heinous kind.

For those who claim that such events are just part-and-parcel of life in a modern liberal democracy, we must disagree. Japan, for instance, is one of the most prosperous societies in the world, and one of the safest. It’s also famously homogenous and accepts few refugees. From 1978 to 2022 Japan admitted just over 17,000 asylum seekers, fewer than most G7 countries admit in a single year.

Yet the results don’t lie. Japan is a much more peaceful country than almost all Western nations. Its homicide rate of 0.2 per 100,000 people is orders of magnitude better than the likes of Britain and France (at 1.2 and 1.3 respectively). It’s also much lower than the United States with its rate of 5.3. Japan’s robbery rate is much the same. Nearby countries like South Korea are also safe, and relatively free of refugees.

As these examples prove, murder, crime and civic chaos are not a political fait accompli. They’re the result of policies that prioritise openness over all other values; including, most especially, the safety and security of the citizenry.

This is a lesson that Australia must learn. If an immigration program and adherence to a refugee convention that’s over 70 years old and five billion people out of date leads to the regular killing of your citizens, it’s impossible to argue that we should persist with any of it.

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