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Conservative activist hit with backlash for saying US would still be America if it was 90% Indian Christian

Conservative activist Charlie Kirk has been slammed for saying that America would still be America if it was 90% Indian, as long as the Indians were Christian.

Kirk made the comments during a short debate with Australian TikToker Auspill at the University of Florida on Thursday, and has since clarified his position following social media backlash.

“Will America still be America if it’s 90% Indian, or 90% Chinese? Or is there a stock, a certain type of people with a certain technique that produces America?” Auspill asked.

“I will answer the question this way – America will cease to be America if it does not have a Christian foundation and underpinning,” Kirk replied.

“So if it is 90% Indian Christian, is that still America?” Auspill followed up, and Kirk said: “If it’s Christian, yes.”

During the debate Auspill also asked Kirk about whether accepting a Hindu Indian like Ohio Governor candidate Vivek Ramaswamy as American erased the identity of heritage Americans, to which Kirk replied: “I think that anybody can be an American.”

The exchange sparked a discussion about American identity and replacement immigration on X, with many commenters saying that if anyone can become an American then the term is meaningless.

“Charlie’s argument is that if you convert to Christianity in India – you become an American, because that’s what America is!” podcaster Elijah Schaffer said.

“It’s just Christians from anywhere in the world. We are not a distinct people. Basically every Christian on earth is just an undocumented American.”

English YouTuber Zoomer Historian wrote: “Charlie Kirk is a traitor to the American people. America is what it is because of the people who built it. Those people were European.

“You don’t have an America if you don’t have Europeans. You have something else. Scum like this need to mocked or ignored.”

Others posted an old meme of a cartoon Kirk saying “as long as the demographic replacement is done legally”.

Kirk eventually responded to the backlash with a long post saying that he had misunderstood the question.

“I thought he was asking if America’s form of government, as outlined in the Constitution, would be possible in a nation of 90% Christian Indians,” he wrote.

“But watching this back, it’s clear he’s actually asking if America would still be America if you could snap your finger and change America to 90% Christian Indians.

“The correct answer is, of course, not. America is a PEOPLE with shared history, values, and geography. You cannot replace Americans with non-Americans and have it still be America.”

Right-wing commentator Nick Fuentes replied: “Just say White. If America were 90% nonwhite in any circumstance, it wouldn’t be America. Frankly, when America soon becomes 50% nonwhite, it won’t be America anymore. Race matters.”

Gab founder Andrew Torba also weighed in with photos of the dysfunctional African nation of Liberia.

“Good on Charlie for correcting himself here, but his newly clarified point still misses the mark,” he wrote.

“Liberia is 85% Christian and has our exact form of government as outlined in the Constitution, yet it’s a crime ridden shithole.”

Header image: Left, right, Charlie Kirk and Auspill during their discussion (Auspill, X)

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