Whites are biased towards Black applicants when evaluating diversity statements, study finds

White evaluators were more likely to recommend Black applicants for university admission.
Stunned scientists failed to give study participants Covid during the pandemic: ‘Can’t get people infected’

Not a single challenge trial volunteer developed a sustained Covid infection.
Liberals are three times more biased against those with opposing views than conservatives, study shows

Liberals are also more likely to rate conservatives as prejudiced.
Japan suffered sharp cancer death rate increase after 2/3rds of population had 3+ mRNA Covid vaccines, new study finds

The study found particularly large increases in six types of cancer.
Why did modern humans replace the Neanderthals? Our larger group sizes may have given us an edge and led to their extinction

Humans took over the world while Neanderthals went extinct, but it’s not because we were smarter.
Captive chimpanzees stay in self-imposed ‘invisible cages’ even when given more freedom, study shows

The findings mirror a psychological effect termed “learned helplessness” seen in many species, including humans.
‘Long Covid’ was fake all along and the term is harmful, bombshell new study finds

‘Long Covid’ symptoms are indistinguishable from those suffered after other viruses.
White Democrats are driving America’s partisan divide on immigration, study reveals

Republican attitudes on immigration issues have held steady since the 1990s.
New Zealand’s vaccine mandates had ‘substantive’ negative consequences, new research finds

The mandates had limited effect on increasing vaccine uptake, and significant negative consequences.
Five signs that you might be right-wing

Simon McCarthy-Jones of Trinity College Dublin reveals why people develop right-wing views.
Murderous non-native mice suddenly start attacking and killing nesting albatrosses on Midway Atoll – decades after they were introduced

An introduced mouse species is wreaking havoc on the world’s largest albatross colony.
‘Infertility chemical’ chlormequat found in bodies of 80% of Americans

The pesticide is linked to infertility, disrupted fetal growth and delayed puberty.
Australia approves new vaccine for mild virus that kills just 8 elderly people a year

Now GlaxoSmithKline wants its RSV vaccine paid for by the taxpayer.
Blacks account for 60% of firearm homicides in America every year

Cities with higher Black populations have higher rates of firearm homicide, researchers said.
Damning report on Covid-19 vaccines links lockdowns with higher excess mortality and finds masks didn’t work

Authorities did not “follow the science” when imposing non-pharmaceutical interventions, the report found.