Salon blames Trump for Blacks randomly punching women in NYC crime wave

You’ve actually got to hand it to Salon for this one.
Sky News responds to Israel’s killing of Australian aid worker… by blaming Hamas

Sky News Australia’s priorities are laid bare in a shameful X post.
7 News would rather let a child sex predator roam free than be called racist

7 News revealed their priorities in a shameful evening news segment.
DEI is the new N-word, writes Newsweek journalist who got diversity internship

This is pure propaganda, designed to make readers think DEI is a racial slur.
Australia’s most prestigious newspapers don’t understand basic economics

Award-winning journalist Peter Hartcher doesn’t appear to understand basic immigration-related concepts.
Canadian newspaper accidentally admits right-wing ideas win if free speech is allowed

The Globe and Mail confirms that right-wing ideas are better and truer.
ABC refuses to accept The Science on ‘Long Covid’ after years of fearmongering

The ABC rolled out resident Covid fearmonger Dr Norman Swan after study exposed their journalistic malpractice on “long Covid”.
Craig Foster apologises for condemning Sam Kerr’s anti-White racism

It was a crowded Media Shame File this week as journalists rushed to argue that you can’t be racist to White people.
CNN’s horrific take on illegal immigrant murder of White student Laken Riley

One of the worst “minorities are the real victims” stories yet.
Interview of journalist turns into anti-White hatefest

Benjamin Law and Yumi Stynes get together to bitch about how much they hate White Australians.
Black woman uses Taylor Swift as an excuse to write an anti-White hate screed

This anti-White diatribe would earn you a racial vilification charge if it was about any other race.
Media claims immigrants lift wages (fact check – FALSE)

The article’s central claim is not backed up, and not true.
African community reports racist social media abuse after Ipswich stabbing death

The ABC tries to “debunk” crime fears with statistics, but ends up showing assaults are at record highs.
An alleged gang rape shocks Italy, and provides fodder for an ascendant far right

CNN did not cover the story when it happened.
Queensland’s African diaspora “a community under siege”

You’ll find no better example of the “minorities are the real victims” story than this.