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Push to repeal new ‘hate speech’ laws after Sydney caravan exposed as fake terror plot ‘false flag’

Free speech advocates are pushing for controversial new “hate speech” laws to be repealed after police revealed a hyped-up caravan terror plot was a hoax and a series of graffiti, firebombing and vandalism attacks on the Jewish community in Sydney were orchestrated by crime figures.

Australian Federal Police on Monday confirmed that a caravan full of explosives found in Dural in January was a “fabricated terrorism plot” while their NSW Police counterparts said they believed the same criminal individual or individuals carried out a large number of the other anti-Semitic attacks.

And on Tuesday NSW Libertarian MP John Ruddick announced he would next week move to repeal anti-free speech laws rammed through parliament last month by Premier Chris Minns.

“AFP Commissioner Krissy Barrett said: ‘Almost immediately experienced investigators believed the caravan was part of a fabricated plot, a criminal con job’. Regardless our state and federal parliaments acted in a knee-jerk manner and rushed new laws that further tightened laws against free speech,” he said.

“This legislation would not have existed without these incidents and after yesterday’s revelations it is now very likely they were based on the false pretences of criminals.

“In the next sitting week of parliament I will introduce repeal legislation to remove these illegitimate laws. Free speech matters more than bad laws.”

Independent NSW MP Mark Latham spoke out in support of Mr Ruddick, writing on X: “Any parliamentarian with an ounce of integrity and self-respect will vote for this. Labor and Liberal legislated under false pretences.”

In a separate post Mr Latham wrote: “The NSW Police have said that not one of those arrested for ‘anti-Semitic attacks’ display anti-Semitic ideology. A false flag causing our dumb and panicked Premier to legislate anti-free speech laws under false pretences. A new low point in the history of the NSW Parliament.”

Independent Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick also spoke out about the caravan hoax, saying it was used by the federal government to pass its hate crimes bill last month, which had support from Opposition leader Peter Dutton and the Coalition.

“This ‘terror plot’ was used to introduce the hate crime laws yet it turns out it was never a threat at all. How many times do we see the government bring in laws under false pretences? Fake Covid, Fake Climate Change and Fake Terror plots,” he wrote on X.

“I’m the only politician in Canberra who has called out the Fake “war on terror” as nothing but a psy-ops used to control the population and use our military to fight wars the enrich the big end of town.

“The police need to disclose who exactly this foreign actor is and why they won’t release the name. Given they are onto whoever it is identifying the perpetrators would make it easier for them to be captured would it not?”

Former Nationals and One Nation MP George Christensen simply wrote: “Repeal the Hate Crime laws. They were based on a lie.”

Header image: Left, right, NSW Police make arrests over alleged anti-Semitic incidents in Sydney on Monday (NSW Police).

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