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Aussie mum begs for help identifying Asian man who poured hot coffee on her baby at a Brisbane park

A distraught Australian mother has asked for help identifying an Asian man who came up behind her at a park in Brisbane‘s south and poured hot coffee on her baby boy Luka, leaving the infant with serious injuries.

Luka is still in hospital suffering severe burns after the random attack at at Hanlon Park in Stones Corner at about 12pm on Tuesday, and a family friend has set up a GoFundMe to help the family.

Queensland Police released CCTV footage on Wednesday and more images of Tuesday of a man they believe may be able to assist in the investigations.

“The man, pictured, is described as around 30 to 40-years-old, of a proportionate build, with tanned skin. He was wearing a black hat, glasses, a shirt and shorts,” police said.

Police did not describe the man’s ethnicity, but he is of Asian appearance, and the mother wrote on social media: “I didn’t get the best view of him as I was in shock. But he was maybe 6ft2ish, brown hair, some sort of Asian descent.”

In a post about the incident she asked for help identifying the man.

“My baby boy didn’t deserve this, no one does. I wish he poured the hot coffee all over me and not my boy. Please if anyone has any CCTV footage around Lincoln Street/Regina Street in Stones Corner please speak to police. This man needs to be found and charged.

“Thank you to all the lovely people at the park for pouring water on him and for the lady who took us to her apartment so we could get him in a cold shower asap.”

Brisbane park baby hot coffee attack
Baby Luka is recovering in hospital with severe burns (GoFundMe)

On the GoFundMe the mother’s friend, who was present at the time of the attack, said Luka has a long recovery ahead of him.

“As some of you have seen on the news. On the 27th August 2024 at around 12pm my friend and I were sitting in Hanlon Park at Stones Corner in Queensland with our two babies when a strange man came up behind her 9 month old son and poured a thermos of boiling hot coffee over his little body and then fled!” she wrote.

“This was a callous, random attack on my friends baby. He does not deserve this pain and suffering.

“CCTV footage has since been released by police and we have so much hope that the police are able to find him and get justice for Luka!

“Luka is currently in hospital and is suspected to stay for a while, whilst he is treated for severe burns. He has a long recovery ahead of him which will include further doctors, specialists, hospital appointments.If you can help in any way by either donating or sharing.

“Would love to raise some money towards any medical or household costs to help ease the pressure off of my friend and her family while they take the time to be home and help their beautiful boy heal.”

Police released CCTV footage of a man who may be able to assist with enquiries (Queensland Police)

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