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Australian nationalist hits back at attempts to shut down Melbourne event on stopping immigration

Prominent Australian nationalist Blair Cottrell has hit back at a biased newspaper report on an upcoming Melbourne event where speakers will discuss how to stop mass immigration, demographic replacement and media lies.

The veteran activist made a video addressing the article in the Saturday Herald Sun headlined “Far Right at home at Polish House”, where he pointed out factual inaccuracies and defended the We Will Not Be Silenced discussion scheduled for Friday December 13 at The Polish Club in Rowville.

The event will feature speeches from iconic Australian actor Damien Richardson and right-wing activist Matt Trihey on “why we must secure the existence of European identity and how this will be achieved”, and is the third in a series of talks hosted by the National Workers Alliance in Melbourne.

Their first gathering was also held at The Polish Club after the original hosts cancelled, and their second, held at a different venue in September, resulted in attempts by radical leftists to have the business shut down in the days following, and speakers were subjected to personal attacks from left-wing journalists in the corporate media and in a segment on taxpayer-funded ABC TV.

“This morning I noticed I was mentioned in a newspaper article,” Mr Cottrell began. “It’s mendacious reporting as usual, so let’s analyse it.”

“Matty is sending out invitations to all working Aussies for a free and open discussion about immigration and other problems Australia faces. That’s the reality of what’s actually happening.

“It shouldn’t be a big deal, but for some reason journalists like Fergus Ellis are really upset that working people are coming together on their own to discuss real social problems, maybe because journalists like Fergus Ellis are part of the problem.

“Ellis even states that after Matty’s last National Workers Alliance meeting in McKinnon the venue hosting that meeting was ‘boycotted by locals and shut its doors soon after’. Do you want to know what really happened? The event was not boycotted by locals, it was attended by locals.

“But then afterwards, communists from the north end of the city threatened to travel out to McKinnon and burn the venue down. The owner unfortunately caved to those threats and closed his doors temporarily, until the heat died down. Nothing actually happened to the venue and the owner didn’t have to close. It was all just a bit of left-wing terror, because working people are organising their own meetings not controlled by unions or communists.”

Mr Cottrell then addressed being described as a “neo-Nazi” in the article.

“Can I ask, what does ‘neo-Nazi’ actually mean? Because I’ve never held myself that way, it’s really not my style,” he said.

“The truth is it doesn’t really mean anything. They’ll slap that neo-Nazi label on your face in an effort to dehumanise you, same story with ‘racist’. They’ve actually overused the ‘racist’ term so much that ‘racist’ has lost its bite. People are sick of hearing it, so ‘neo-Nazi’ is the new devil word.

“They’ll try to write you off as a Nazi when they can’t fault what you’re saying. I’m that guy – apparently I’m the guy who deserves no rights and no opinions, because Jews got gassed in gas chambers and turned into lamp shades by evil blond Nazis and I’m one of them.”

He finished by saying that it is “fear and ignorance that this system relies on to keep real discussions and real solutions from ever taking place in Australia” and urged viewers not to be manipulated by articles such as the one he was discussing.

Mr Cottrell told Noticer News: “I’m not denying Nazi groups exist, I’m saying what these groups truly believe is deliberately misrepresented.

“The groups holding to National Socialism in Australia don’t actually believe there was any gas chambers or genocide committed by the Germans in World War 2, they think it’s just wartime propaganda and that’s really important context.

“It’s important because that means groups which have used ‘nazi’ gestures and symbology don’t support mass murder or genocide, but media goons and leftists don’t want people understanding that.

“They pretend people like me are ‘hiding evil Nazi intentions’ but really they are the ones hiding from open debate about what German National Socialism really was.”

Mr Richardson also responded to the article on X, sharing an image of the headline and writing: “The mainstream media wonders why its circulation is in free fall? Perhaps it’s because it vilifies advocacy for its readership’s White ethnic identity as beneath contempt. Shit business model. We are the media now.”

Header image credit: Blair Cottrell, NWA

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