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Western Australia’s only One Nation MP suddenly quits the party

One Nation’s only MP in Western Australia has quit the party to run as an independent.

Ben Dawkins, who has been member for the South West Region since March 2023 and is pro-freedom and anti-woke, formally tendered his resignation from Pauline Hanson’s party on Tuesday, saying on Thursday that he made the decision “reluctantly”.

His resignation comes amid controversy over One Nation’s selection of Sikh businessman Parminder Singh as the third upper house candidate in Western Australia due to his support for mass immigration from India.

“I hold Pauline Hanson in high regard as a courageous advocate for everyday Australians.  Indeed Pauline Hanson’s One Nation should be the party with ‘the guts to say what you’re thinking’,” Mr Dawkins said in a statement on Thursday.

“As an independent candidate, I will continue to have the courage to speak for those who feel unheard.

“The current parliament under Labor has been a disaster for West Australians. We can’t afford either major party to have a majority in both houses, this can only result in bad policy and a wilful deafness to the voice of the people.

“Now is the time to make a change. If you feel let down by the major parties, join us in restoring democracy in Western Australia.”

Mr Dawkins was passed over for pre-selection for the 2025 upper house ticket earlier this year, but said at the time that Rod Caddies, who has been confirmed by Pauline Hanson as top candidate, was “an exceptional talent and great candidate and is very deserving of the number one position”.

Since joining One Nation from Labor in February Mr Dawkins has become known for his pro-freedom stances, and has been an outspoken opponent of far-left gender ideology, Covid tyranny, mass immigration, wind farms and domestic violence in Western Australia.

Header image: Left, Ben Dawkins. Right, Rod Caddies and Parminder Singh (Facebook)

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