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Australia’s Prime Minister wishes Hindus a happy ‘Holi’ – a week after shunning St Patrick’s Day

Anthony Albanese Holi

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has shared a gushing letter on X wishing South Asians a happy “Holi” – a Hindu festival most Australians would not be familiar with.

Mr Albanese’s gesture to Hindus on Monday came after he opted not to wish Australians a happy St Patrick’s Day on the same platform last week, even though one-third of Australians have Irish heritage.

At the time of the 2021 Census, only 2.7% of Australia’s population were Hindus, although the Indian population rose by more than 136,000 in 2022 and 2023.

According to the Census, 9.5% have Irish ancestry, but that does not include those who just nominate Australian or choose another primary ancestry, and the real proportion with Irish blood is believed to be closer to 33%.

Mr Albanese has an Irish-Australian mother himself, but unlike Joe Biden he does not emphasise or celebrate his Irish heritage.

In contrast to his March 17 silence, Mr Albanese said in his long letter on Monday that Holi is a “joyful celebration of colour, love and new life”, declaring it to be an “inspiration to all Australians”.

“For many Australians of South Asian heritage, Holi’s cultural and religious significance brings people together in celebration of their shared faith, history and heritage,” he wrote.

Mr Albanese also referenced spending last year’s festival in Ahmedabad, India, where he daubed a red dot on his forehead and allowed himself to be covered with flower petals.

Two months later he returned and signed a landmark migrant agreement described as “insane” and “open borders with India” by critics.

Meanwhile, Opposition leader Peter Dutton shared a similar Holi letter, along with a colourful graphic addressed to the “wonderful Hindu community”. He did not post on X for St Patrick’s Day either.

Academic and researcher from the British Australian Community (BAC) Dr Frank Salter told Noticer News that neither of the major parties were acting in the interests of Australians.

“Hindu immigration is surging. Was the PM’s act of cultural appeasement in support of a deal to open Australia to Indian mass migration?” he asked.

“At this hazardous time, no major party is standing up for the national interest.”

Harry Richardson, President of the BAC said: “The marginalisation and subsequent replacement of our people by craven politicians from both major parties shows the absolute contempt they hold for traditional Australians.”

According to Australia Bureau of Statistic data released last week, 92,940 Indians arrived in Australia in the year ending June 2023, making the the largest immigrant group that financial year.

Next was China with 64,320 arrivals, and third was the Philippines with 40,890.

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