Crime rates are through the roof, immigration is out of control, the economy is cooked, meanwhile the uniparty have launched an unprecedented legislative assault upon our political rights. So you’d think the media would have a lot to talk about, but that would imply that the media was interested in doing actual journalism rather than agitprop.
But of course, this is 2020s Australia, real journalism has been long marginalised to grassroots publications like this one. The mainstream media now performs one sole function, to prop up the increasingly discredited and despised regime that rules over our once great country.
And there is no value more sacred to the corrupt traitorous regime which is facilitating the theft of our national inheritance by alien groups than the demonisation of White men who don’t hate ourselves and want to secure a future for our people.
So when some of us decided to make an activist organisation and start doing peaceful street demonstrations in defence of the suppressed political concerns of White Australians, the media and the regime they serve collectively freaked out.
Apparently the pretence of Australia being a liberal democracy has now been rendered obsolete. If politicians and representatives of the organised Jewish community baselessly label you “violent extremists” and “terrorists” on national television, everything you do no matter how innocuous somehow becomes a horrifying “threat” which the nation needs to collectively pretend to be shocked and appalled by.
The first story on Channel 9 Melbourne’s 6pm news broadcast last night was the brandishing of footage they obtained by hiding in the bushes across the road and secretly filming our usual Saturday afternoon training session at the park.
Apparently a group of White dudes who think Hitler was a chill guy exercising in the park is a national news story, as several prominent politicians and Jewish community leaders called for laws to be changed so that we could be imprisoned for the crime of working out in public.
Now tonight a feature length hit piece is set to air on our national broadcaster’s Four Corners program. The supposedly “shocking revelations” are that one of our members has a girlfriend with a fat gay communist brother who is really upset that his sister brought a nazi to Christmas lunch, and that the mentally deranged mother of some teenage dude who joined our racist boxing club is upset that the government didn’t forcibly brainwash her son into hating his own race effectively enough.
The supplement to this is the supposedly chilling disclosure of our wives and girlfriends’ desire to focus on having babies rather than working office jobs. Apparently we are a cult that has indoctrinated them into having totally normal female instincts. Where are their therapists? Why aren’t they on birth control and antidepressants? They’re wearing dresses! This is an outrage!
If we truly were violent extremists plotting terrorist attacks, you’d think the media would be able to find far juicier dirt on us than this. The big reveal to the Australian people is literally that we’re just normal guys who love our country and want our people to keep existing.
I applaud Andrew Bolt for penning an opinion piece in yesterday’s Herald Sun calling this out. Bolt is no fan of us, nor us of him, yet I appreciate him pointing out the obvious here that we clearly aren’t terrorists. The government is using policing powers established after 9/11 for the purpose of protecting Australians from Islamist terrorism against us, and it’s as ridiculous as it is illiberal and undemocratic. It is political persecution for purely ideological reasons and the mainstream media is complicit.
Every other day there is a new Islamic terrorist attack in Europe, yet the Australian media is totally disinterested in the threat this poses because the victims are White. The bad guy needs to be White and the victims non-White, regardless of the factual reality.
It’s time for conservatives to follow Bolt’s lead and start defending us from the clearly disingenuous terroristic portrayal of our lawful and peaceful activities. Their attacks on us are attacks on all White Australians, designed to perpetuate a deeply biased ideological narrative against us all.
This isn’t simply about the demonisation of my colleagues in the National Socialist Network, but of White identity politics in general. Whether you agree with identity politics or not, every group except Whites is practising it – including the organised Jewish community in its very public attacks upon our liberal democratic rights to freedom of speech and association. If they get to practice it, we get to practice it. And to disingenuously portray us as a terroristic cult for doing so is blatant antiwhite discrimination.
The media and the regime it serves hates White Australians, that’s why they hate us. This intolerable reality won’t change until White Australians start defending ourselves as White Australians – and love us or hate us, that is why we exist, why people join us, and why we aren’t going anywhere.
Joel Davis can be found on Telegram. He was banned from X last month without explanation.