The Great Replacement is state policy in Britain
The British government is dedicated to the erasure of native Britons.
The British government is dedicated to the erasure of native Britons.
White Papers offers nationalist solutions to the China problem.
The few utterances Sheinbaum has made on the issue of immigration are worrying.
Joe Biden leaves the country in far worse shape than he found it.
We are going to encounter resistance. We must have a plan.
A statistical analysis compares high, medium, low and net-zero migration scenarios.
Everything we love and value about Australia we owe to the White Australia Policy.
An absolute halt immigration is realistic and could be implemented on day one.
Reform’s immigration platform goes a long way, but not far enough.
The state government is also ignoring the elephant in the room – immigration.
Australia faces a demographic doomsday – but it can be reversed.
Demographic change threatens Dutch survival.
Nationalist, national-conservative, and populist parties gained significant ground.
During the Cretaceous period much of north-eastern Australia was underwater.
Most of the Maya human sacrifice victims were children, and some were twins.
Increasing vitamin D deficiency among infants is another factor.
Aboriginals made up 28% of the homicide offenders despite being just 3.2% of the population.
Keith Woods responds to Steve Sailer’s recent essay on wokeness.
The 2022 Scottish Census paints a mixed picture from a nationalist perspective.
A post-Budget Resolve poll showed 66% of Australians think the current immigration level is too high.
Left-wing protesters were outraged that a western Sydney council banned books about homosexual parenting.
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