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Child sex predator FBI agent is convicted of raping a 5-year-old girl

Montgomery, Alabama – A sexual degenerate and paedophile who once worked inside America’s top law enforcement agency has been convicted of raping a 5-year-old girl.

According to reports, 45-year-old Christopher Michael Bauer, a prolific deviant with open warrants in numerous states, was convicted of first-degree sodomy and sexual abuse of a child under 12 after a week-long trial in Alabama.

A former FBI agent, Bauer had previously been suspended without pay from the FBI’s New Orleans field office back in 2018, after a co-worker accused him of raping her at knifepoint. While the allegations cost Bauer his security clearance, it didn’t stop him from applying to other Police agencies, including the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), where he ultimately landed a job.

Christopher Michael Bauer, an ex-FBI agent who was kicked from the agency after he was accused of raping a coworker at knifepoint, has now been convicted of raping an 11-year-old girl for years, beginning when she was just five. (Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office)
In order to carry out his master plan, investigators say Bauer forged an FBI document made to look as if it was written by his unit chief, which cleared him of wrongdoing in the 2018 rape case. Instead, the forged document seemingly confirmed his years of “creditable service,” which deemed him “eligible for rehire” in the ALEA.

At trial, Bauer’s young victim, now a teenager, testified that the criminal cop began raping her when she was just five years old, but was too afraid to speak up about the abuse. Instead, she confided with a friend who relayed the story to her mother, which started an investigation.

Bauer and his defense attorneys argued that the victim was simply making it up to discredit him. When asked on the stand if he ever raped the young girl, Bauer replied, “No, never.”

When the Montgomery Police Department was notified, reports stated that they executed an arrest on Bauer the same day and placed him into custody on a $210,000 bond.

On Friday, an Alabama Jury finally convicted Bauer of the child rapes. His sentencing is scheduled for August 1st, where prosecutors say they plan on asking for the maximum sentence of 20 years to life behind bars.

“Nobody is above the law, including our police officers,” District Attorney Daryl Bailey said in a statement. “If there’s a police officer who is committing a crime, in this case a crime against an innocent child, they are going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law just like anybody else would.”

“My office will be asking for the maximum sentence in this case. Christopher Bauer is a sexual predator and has now been convicted as a sexual predator. He needs to be removed from our streets forever,” he continued.

While Bauer’s conviction means he will effectively be removed from polite society, sources from other law enforcement agencies claim future prosecution is pending.

According to Captain Nick Manale of the Louisiana State Police, Bauer still has multiple active arrest warrants in places like St. Tammany and Jefferson parishes. Once his trial is complete in Alabama, they assert he’ll be extradited back to Louisiana for trials on these unspecified charges.

“(The victim) will always be haunted by what happened to her repeatedly over and over by this sexual predator,” said Bailey. “Today, at least, she and her family got a sense of justice. She knows this bad man will never be able to harm her ever again.”

“He needs to be removed from our streets forever.”

Montgomery County District Attorney, Daryl Bailey

Members of the FBI, a prestigious agency often lauded for its work combating sexual predator rings, often face allegations of brazen sexual deviancy and other criminal wrongdoings themselves. In 2021, 51-year-old David Harris, an FBI agent of the Bureau’s New Orleans office, was arrested for preying on multiple children over a five-year period, purely for sexual satisfaction.

Charging documents allege that Agent Harris had been accused of numerous crimes across Louisiana, including aggravated crimes against nature, indecent behavior with children under the age of 13, attempted Rape, obscenity, and witness intimidation.

51-year-old David Harris, an FBI agent who police say was a serial sex pest tied to numerous assaults and other crimes (Tallahassee Democrat)

At around the same time, an FBI computer technician working in the Nashville field office was arrested for grooming three different 14-year-olds.

An investigation into the agent—later identified as now 41-year-old Justin Carroll—revealed he would act as a father figure to troubled girls and gaslight them into sending him nude photos. For these sick crimes, Carroll was convicted federally on counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, coercion and enticement of a minor to engage in unlawful sexual activity, receipt of child pornography, and transfer of obscene material to an individual under the age of sixteen.

In 2023, 57-year-old John Magri, a veteran FBI agent out of New York, was arrested for allegedly possessing a “massive collection” of toddler rape videos. During a raid on Magri’s home, officers with the NYPD were said to have discovered a whopping 700 files containing child sex abuse material (CSAM), some featuring toddlers and infants subjected to rape and torture.

Despite having ample evidence to charge Magri federally, where penalties are believed to be more severe, the case has remained at the state level.

Additionally, FBI agents have also become implicated in bizarre sexual harassment scandals involving the use of rainbow-colored sex toys in the office. Some have faced attempted murder charges for the shooting of homeless people dead on metro lines. Others, like one “slimy” FBI “bigwig” out of the New York field office, would even draw ire for drinking on the job and groping female employees.

The Bureau is known for meticulously scrutinizing new recruits’ mindsets, political beliefs, and character, which raises a growing concern that predatory or antisocial traits are being inherently selected for. With public trust in the FBI and other American institutions currently at a barrel-bottom low, child rape convictions for paedophile agents like Christopher Bauer only hastens the decline.

This article originally appeared on Justice Report and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

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