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African thugs threaten elderly couple with knives during random home invasion

Logan home invasion Queensland African crime

An elderly Queensland man had a knife held to his throat by African home invaders who burst into his house, threatened to kill him and demanded money and valuables.

Richard McCooey was working from home in Daisy Hill, Logan, on Monday afternoon when a stolen car pulled up outside and two masked men armed with hunting knives came through the unlocked front door.

“I went to the top of the stairs and was confronted by a masked man holding a very large knife,” Mr McCooey told Nine News.

“The knife was to my chest facing up to my neck and [he] said, ‘You’re going to die’.”

“I then said, ‘What do you want, I’ll give you whatever you want’, and gave him my wallet with all the contents.”

The shocking home invasion was caught on CCTV, and Mr McCooey’s horrified wife can be heard in the footage begging the men not to hurt them.

After rifling through the couple’s possessions looking for jewellery, the intruders fled with wallets, phones and cash and got into a waiting Hyundai Sante Fe which was found dumped the next day.

Police arrived five minutes later, and detectives are still investigating.

The violent home invasion is just the latest shocking incident involving African criminals in recent weeks.

Earlier this month grandmother Vyleen White, 70, was allegedly murdered by a Sudanese refugee trying to steal her car in nearby Ipswich, a woman was allegedly assaulted and tortured by an African gang in the same region days later, and a man was slashed with a machete in Melbourne last week.

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