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Australian zoo euthanises lioness because her male partner died and life without him would be too painful

Australia’s oldest lioness has been euthanised alongside her lifelong partner after the male lion suffered a medical episode and zookeepers determined that life without him would be too painful for her.

Adelaide Zoo announced the deaths of African lion pair, female Amani, 23, and male Mujambi, 19, on Thursday morning.

After euthanising Mujambi, staff decided to put Amani to sleep shortly afterwards, “as the negative welfare and aspects of her life without Mujambi were determined to outweigh any positives of remaining alone”, the zoo said.

Dr Phil Ainsley, Director of Adelaide Zoo said species-specific behaviour was taken into consideration, and said the lions had been a bonded pair for the last 16 years. Amani arrived at the zoo in 2002, followed by Mujambi in 2007.

Amani and Mujambi (Adelaide Zoo)

“In the case of lions, they are a social species, and the likelihood of safely moving or integrating Amani into another pride or environment was considered too risky and stress provoking,” he said.

“Tigers, we know, potentially can live in isolation. That’s not how it works for African lions. Normally you’ll either get a pride or, as they get older, a couple living together.”

“In relation to Amani we did carefully consider all of the options. So for example would we look to bring another lion to Adelaide Zoo or would we look to relocate Amani to Monarto Safari Park?

“Based on her age, on the fact she is 23 years of age, the decision was that for her welfare and for her own wellbeing that would not be in the best interests for herself.”

Zoos SA chief executive Elaine Bensted told ABC News it was a sad day for staff who had cared for them for many years.

“They were both aged, they were both under medical treatment for quite some time and we really didn’t want Amani’s last, what might have been months, to be pining for the male that she’d been partnered with for so long.”

Adelaide zoo has created a website where visitors can leave condolences.

Header image: Amani and Mujambi (Adelaide Zoo)

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