Editor’s note: This piece was submitted by a reader who went into Adelaide to celebrate Australia Day, only to get caught up in the police crackdown on the National Socialist Network and see his friend and his mother be given restraining orders by the cops just for being in the vicinity of the march.
For many generations Australia Day has been a day of joyful commemoration and unity for the people of our Great Southern Land. For most of my life as a Gen X third-generation Aussie, it was a day when we briefly put our differences aside and celebrated the life and history of our nation and its people with a sense of cheerful pride and general optimism.
There is a large vein of rich culture and deep history that we genuine multigenerational Aussies can look back upon, but unfortunately for us traditional folk our modern bureaucratic classes masters want our history and culture to be erased forever, and are doing everything in their power to destroy our beloved country.
With all this in mind, I proudly travelled into the heart of Adelaide, my home city, to celebrate Australia Day with some like-minded patriot friends, knowing that the national day had been officially cancelled by our woke internationalist council, and that a large rowdy indigenous “invasion day” protest had been given the go ahead instead.

Our asinine grovelling “civic leaders” officially celebrate Chinese New Year, major Islamic religious events such as Eid, multiple gay pride events and endless festivals promoting non-stop degenerate nonsense, and will promote anything and everything that is trendy, cosmopolitan and global except for the deeply colourful history of their own nation and people.
For any red-blooded patriotic Aussie who loves his nation and people this whole state of affairs is a deeply insulting pathetic farce. It is a slap in the face to our people, our cultural heritage and our ancestors who built up this great land from nothing, which only makes me more determined to celebrate on January 26.
As I headed into town I was getting texts and phone calls from various patriots: word was out that maybe the NSN lads were having some kind of event, no-one was sure exactly what it was, and even though none of us were NSN members we felt like standing in solidarity with them and honouring the founding Aussie spirit of our nation, waving a few flags for all the world to see and then having a beer and proudly celebrating our Australian heritage… at least that’s what we all had planned.
When I arrived I noticed that the Tour Down Under was having a huge event in the middle of King William Street. The road was blocked off for the international cycling race, and thousands of tourists and lycra-clad boomers were milling around under the baking sun in the middle of the street.
Meanwhile the entire cycling village which had been set up in Victoria Square for the international cycling teams and their supporters was now overrun with several thousand indigenous activists and their woke comrades.
Aggressive earthshaking gangsta rap was blaring from the stage while indigenous MCs complained about the eternal evils of White man over the pummelling tuneless beat.
At the conclusion of the racket the MC began speaking about indigenous solidarity with Palestine and a cry of “Free Palestine!” thundered through the streets. I noticed that all the small shops and stalls in the cycling village were closed and locked up: on previous days during the cycling race they’d all been open for business.
Like any national day of celebration Australia Day is meant to be about proudly showing the world the best Australia has to offer, but here in Adelaide our cosmopolitan elites decided to evict the international cycling teams and their followers from their own village so that a bunch of noisy whingeing aboriginals and their supporters could hold a large anti-Australian protest.
Thousands of cycling tourists and professional cycling teams from all over the world were left to bake in the 37 degree sun in while anti-Australian slogans and chants of “Free Palestine!” echoed throughout our city.
Australia Day 2025 goes down in history as the day our self-hating civic leaders decided to evict an international sporting event from its own premises and close its shops and stalls down so that we could proudly show the world that we now celebrate the day of our founding by being as anti-Australian as we possibly can. This is the enlightened modern Australian way that our bureaucrats now rubber stamp into reality with hand-rubbing glee.
Things got even worse when I approached the patriot meeting point in the Botanic Gardens. A large contingent of police were gathered outside The Gardens with lights flashing. I walked in the gates to find my young working class mate Shannan and his mother being sternly interrogated by a group of police officers.
“So how long have you been interested in being a Nazi for Shannan?!” a police officer boomed at him.
Young Shannan was annoyed and flustered. He is a likeable lively lad who works hard and other than his online shitposting and his right-wing views he has no connection with the NSN movement.
“I’m sorry mum, I didn’t know this was going to happen!” Shannan said in embarrassment.
Shannan’s mother came up to me, held out her tattooed arms and quietly said in surprise: “The cops asked to take photos of all my tattoos!”
An officer asked me why I was there, and I calmly replied: “I’m here to celebrate Australia Day and have a good time, that’s what we do in this country.”
I turned to Shannan, laughing out aloud due to the farcical nature of the situation, and asked Shannan what was going on.
“I don’t know!” he said while pacing around in an agitated manner and shouted in frustration: “These cops won’t let us walk down North Terrace!”
An officer interrupted us: “Shannan, you must obey our directives and stay right here. Now tell us: why are you a Nazi?”
The question was ludicrous. Shannan shouted back: “Why don’t you check who controls our money supply?”. His frustration was getting the police excited and they clustered around him.
I decided to sit down. The police asked me a few questions about why I was there and I calmly replied that I was waiting to meet a few friends and celebrate Australia Day in the city.
I politely refused to allow the police to bait me and they gave up and focussed on goading Shannan.
Suddenly half a dozen folks with Aussie flags appeared at the end of the garden path, I walked down to meet them and it turned out I knew some of them.
I told them: “There’s cops everywhere lads, apparently being patriotic today makes you a police target.”
The group could not believe it, but as we walked down the path towards North Terrace the police turned their attention onto us.
“Where are you going lads?” they asked.
“Nowhere in particular, we’re just here to celebrate Australia Day,” we replied.
The officers began asking people in the group questions about what they were doing and what their motives were, but everyone gave normal polite answers and remained calm so the cops soon stopped trying to goad us into some kind of confrontation.
The excitable Shannan and his mother weren’t so lucky. An officer began to recite a legal restraining order at the pair of them.
“You are both banned from the city limits for a period of 24 hours! If you disobey this order you will be arrested. Do you understand?” he read.
“What the hell?! Why can’t I celebrate Australia Day? This is fucking ridiculous!” Shannan’s open annoyance was getting the cops excited again and they clustered around him again.
The rest of us chatted and asked each other if there was any sign of the NSN, but no-one quite knew what was going on and we assumed they weren’t turning up.
Meanwhile the team of officers stopped interrogating Shannan and his mother and left.
A couple of us cracked open beers and gave a sigh of relief.
Suddenly a senior sergeant came back around the corner and he started trying to play the “good cop” routine with our group. He was acting friendly as if he wanted to be our best buddy, calling out: “So boys, what have you got planned for today? Anything exciting?”
“I’m going to be going into town and celebrating this Great Aussie Nation with friends. I’m going to be drinking beer and thinking of all our great ancestors who built this land and tried their best to make our nation a free and sovereign country,” I replied.
The cop looked mildly annoyed, and left, and as he walked away a bloke in our group shouted: “The NSN lads are on North Terrace, there’s a video of them walking around on North Tce, it’s up on Telegram now!”
We hastily jumped up and ran into the city and left Shannan and his mother behind, but after 15 minutes of fruitless searching in the searing heat I told the lads I was going to give up the search for the NSN and get a cold drink.
So along with the NSN arrests that’s how we patriots did Australia Day here in Adelaide in 2025.
If you’re a multigenerational patriotic Aussie like me our local technocrats want you erased from this nation as fast as possible. They expect European Aussies to adopt the enfeebled globalist-liberal identity they’re constantly ramming down our throats.
Failing that they just want you gone: they want you, your bloodlines and all memory of you and your people eternally erased from history. Likewise if you’re loud and proud indigenous our bureaucrats are happy to support you for the time being and use your movement as a battering ram to smash down all traditional European values here in Australia.
After they’ve used your people up as a culturally destructive force our liberal leaders are going to have very little use for the Indigenous folks. Australia will soon have a clear Asian/Indian majority.
These foreigners don’t give one good damn about the real Australia and they have no time at all for a small minority group of Indigenous complainers.
Asians and Indians are also very pragmatic and stingy with their resources. The idea that once these immigrants have a majority in power that they’re going to keep up the current generous welfare and cultural support for Indigenous Australians is a truly laughable and childish way of thinking.
Welfare and “reparation payments” for foreign groups are uniquely European concepts that don’t even exist in these nations.
So happy Australia Day to all the true Aussie patriots no matter what your colour is. Although we have very different views of history we do at least have a shared history: this unique bond is something that none of these international hordes flooding our nation can claim to have.
We all have a unique bond with this land and its people and that is something we must now fight to preserve and maintain despite the overwhelming odds. Take care of your people, families and your culture. God be with you now and forever. Deus Vult!
Lord Stompy is an original songwriter and musician from Adelaide. You can find his original albums here: https://lordstompy.bandcamp.com/