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ABC uses immigrant sob story to advocate for open borders


Outlet: ABC News (Australian state media)

Headline: Calls for changes to Australia’s citizenship test after Thai migrant fails five times

Summary: This is an excellent example of how the left-wing ABC pushes its political agenda, which in this case is wide open borders and the total destruction of Australian identity, with advocacy cloaked as news.

These people think that anyone should be allowed to come to Australia and get a passport. And if anyone can be Australian if they want to be, then the idea of citizenship is meaningless, so why not extend it to anyone who wants it? Liberal logic at its finest.

So how do they do this?

First of all, they find an individual for the reader to sympathise with, who then comes to symbolise every immigrant who wants citizenship. We will write a longer piece on this one day, but leftists do this with almost every issue. This woman got impregnated by her father – legalise late-term abortion. This gender deluded teen is suicidal – legalise puberty blockers for children. This person had their feelings hurt – new hate speech laws, etc.

In this article it’s “hardworking Thai mum who cooks delicious Thai food and has two children with her true blue Aussie bloke husband keeps failing citizenship test – get rid of the test”.

Paphatsiri “Net” Woolcock has lived in Australia for seven years, but somehow still can’t speak English well enough to pass a test passed by millions of other immigrants with broken English, but of course it’s not her fault that she’s failed five times.

“Some of the questions … make a trick for me because I’m not good at English,” she tells the ABC. “I think they put the questions too hard”.

Her sob story is then backed up by “calls” from “advocates” – the far-left Refugee Council of Australia, and a local councillor who thinks immigrants should pass the test if they “know what a stop sign is”.

It’s also framed in terms of “fairness” to give the impression that the poor citizenship applicants are being mistreated and discriminated against and play on the Australian value (the ABC suddenly believes they exist again) of the “fair go”.

And as usual from the ABC there is no balance as required by their own editorial standards, no defence of the test, which is ridiculously easy, or of the values component, which includes questions like “should people in Australia make an effort to learn English?” and “can you encourage violence against a person or group of people if you have been insulted?”

Nor is there any mention of Thailand’s requirement that citizenship applicants pass an entire Thai language test and demonstrate proficiency.

The ABC clearly thinks there should be no test at all, and if there must be one it that should not include values questions on the test, and that it should be in every single language in the world.

To hammer in this point they quote Mr Woolcock equating Australian values with “starting a cleaning business and cooking Thai food for local events”.

This is just straight-up propaganda disguised as news – as if “woman fails citizenship test” is news anyway – but it clearly meets the approval of the people running the national broadcaster, since this type of story is published almost daily.

Key quote: “Advocates, including the Refugee Council of Australia, argue the values questions, because of their more complex wording, are unfair to people without formal education, particularly the elderly and women.”

Subtext: “Open the borders and give anyone who wants one a passport”

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