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The ABC defends taxpayer-funded prostitutes for the disabled


Outlet: ABC News (Australian state media)

Headline: NDIS participants and sex workers feel ‘betrayed’ by sexual services funding ban now being in effect

Summary: The National Disability Insurance Scheme, the biggest taxpayer-funded scam in Australian history, will cost $100 billion by 2027 (more than the aged pension), but the $1.1 billion ABC has never seen a government program it doesn’t like, or a far-left cause it won’t support.

Most people were rightly outraged when it was revealed earlier this year that NDIS “participants” were getting free hookers en masse, and the government decided to cut it off as part of a desperate and doomed attempt to rein in the out-of-control scheme.

Of course we should be stamping out prostitution altogether, but journalists like to pretend that it’s no different from any other job and call it “sex work”, since that makes them feel like good people.

As a result we get this vile article framing the change as a “betrayal”, and claiming that not paying for retards (the ABC won’t even call them “disabled” anymore – it’s now “people living with a disability”) to have sex with whores is mean because it puts them under “financial pressure”.

Then they quote a prostitute who claims that “sex is a human right” and a guy in a wheelchair who pays for sex and volunteers at a “non-profit” (wonder how much of our money they get?) which openly operates as a taxpayer-funded pimping service for the disabled. No wonder the NDIS is blowing out.

But this isn’t really about the disabled, it’s about prostitution in general and the constant attempts by state and corporate media to normalise it and other forms of sexual degeneracy.

That’s why online prostitutes are treated like celebrities in the media now, and why every outlet except for this one uses twisted terms like “sex work”, and justifies it by saying that “sex workers” shouldn’t be stigmatised. But of course they should be, since selling one’s body for sex is a universally despised act and always has been.

It’s part of an all-out war on our culture – they want to totally destroy the traditional family unit, the extended family, the tribe, the institution of marriage, Christianity, and the concept of monogamy itself.

They want you constantly pursuing pleasure, they want you on drugs, they want you unafraid to get AIDS, to give in to your basest desires and then abort any babies that result so you are free to consume and indulge yourself further.

Anyone who uses the term “sex worker” is your enemy.

Key quote: “He will typically receive five to six requests a day from clients looking for connection. Many of these clients are NDIS participants.”

Subtext: “Prostitution is normal and good”

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Media Shame File