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They knew it was a lie

The Australian Federal Police and NSW Police have just announced what we knew all along – that the recent wave of anti-Semitic “terrorist attacks” was completely fabricated. The attacks were committed by organised crime groups who were acting purely for profit; funded and directed by a still unnamed third party. 

The police organisations released two separate statements on Monday, and held a joint press conference featuring NSW Deputy Police Commissioner David Hudson and AFP Deputy Commissioner National Security Krissy Barrett. 

The NSW Police statement said that 14 people had been arrested for anti-Semitic attacks other than the Dural caravan plot, some of which involved arson. Deputy Commissioner Hudson confirmed during the press conference that “none of the men arrested … had displayed any form of anti-Semitic ideology”. This is an interesting development, but builds on what we already know. 

The AFP’s statement only covers the Dural caravan incident, but ends up unintentionally revealing much more than intended. In laying out the facts of the case, and what police knew when, it seems to indicate that the Prime Minister and NSW Premier may have been aware that the attacks were fake before they used them as an excuse to push through controversial bills that robbed Australians of their rights to freedom of speech.

It also puts forward the official theory of why the fake attacks occurred, and who is directing them. The narrative is so bizarre and implausible that it immediately raises questions about what additional evidence the authorities have to support it, and whether they are still trying to engage in a cover up. 

Who knew what when?

To get the full picture, let us break down what Deputy Commissioner Barrett, actually said in her press release of March 10. The first half of the statement deals with the caravan plot being a hoax. It makes for interesting reading when combined with the timeline of the government and media response:

This is the first time the AFP has publicly provided details about Operation Kissinger, which is an investigation into those responsible for a caravan found with explosives and antisemitic material in Dural on 19 January, 2025.

Within hours of the caravan being found, any perceived threat was mitigated, and the investigation was referred to the NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team (JCTT), which includes the AFP, NSW Police, ASIO and the NSW Crime Commission.

Almost immediately, experienced investigators within the JCTT believed that the caravan was part of a fabricated terrorism plot – essentially a criminal con job.

This was because of the information they already had, how easily the caravan was found and how visible the explosives were in the caravan. Also, there was no detonator.

Today (10 March, 2025), I can reveal that the caravan was never going to cause a mass casualty event but instead was concocted by criminals who wanted to cause fear for personal benefit. 

Note that the JCTT knew that the plot was a fake “almost immediately” after discovering it on 19/1. 

According to the The Sydney Morning Herald, NSW Premier Chris Minns knew about the investigation as early as 20/1 but failed to inform the Prime Minister. Minns claimed that this was because he believed the Prime Minister already knew about the fake terror plot as it was a joint state-federal operation. It is unknown when Albanese learned about the plot, as he has consistently refused to answer direct questions put to him about the matter. 

A week and a half later, on 29/1, it was leaked to the The Daily Telegraph that the caravan of explosives had been discovered. The leaker and the newspaper notably failed to report that the police considered it a fake. 

A day later Minns publicly stated: “This is the discovery of a potential mass casualty event. There’s only one way of calling it out and that is terrorism.”

Prime Minister Albanese publicly backed this declaration, stating in a radio interview of 30/1: “I agree with Chris Minns. It’s clearly designed to harm people, but it’s also designed to create fear in the community. And that is the very definition [of terrorism].” 

“Almost immediately” suggests that police knew that the plot was fake within days of the discovery. A week and a half had passed between the discovery of the explosives and Minns’ and Albanese’s false claims about the incident. This raises some extraordinary implications. 

Either the Premier of NSW and the Prime Minister of Australia were deliberately told disinformation by the police and intelligence services about what they had discovered, or the two men knowingly lied to the public. Either way, the authorities in Australia assisted the perpetrators in creating the impression that there was an organic wave of anti-Jewish violence motivated by ideological anti-Semitism.  

There is also the question of who leaked the story and if they omitted the crucial fact that the plot was a fake, why they did so. The version of the story that was published as fact for two months was essentially a hoax. It must be noted that the The Daily Telegraph has something of a history in this area, for it was later involved in an incident in Sydney, where it allegedly attempted to provoke an Arab café owner into a confrontation with a Jewish man. 

Both Minns and Albanese failed to correct the misinformation circulated in the media, and used the hoax and other fake anti-Semitic attacks as an excuse to push through unpopular legislation that robbed Australians of their right to free speech. 

A federal bill proposing seven years imprisonment for threatening violence against people, property or motor vehicles belonging to “protected groups,” and mandatory prison sentences of 12 months for performing the Roman Salute, passed into law on 7/2. A NSW bill proposing two years imprisonment for any “public act, [which] intentionally incites hatred towards another person or a group of persons on the ground of race” passed into law on 2/3. While neither government appears to have directly cited the caravan hoax or other individual incidents (perhaps deliberately), their support of these false narratives enabled them to take the rights of Australians with little to no scrutiny or pushback from the media and parliamentarians. 

So far, neither the Prime Minister nor the Premier of NSW have been forthcoming about these new revelations. Albanese has said nothing publicly thus far. Minns did release a joint statement with his police minister released on 10/3, but failed to provide an explanation. The premier finally admitted that “those arrested today for the most serious of these crimes had criminal and financial motives” but then stated that “these acts have wrought fear and anxiety in our Jewish community and we will not tolerate this, not now, not ever”. He then went on claim without evidence that other, unspecified attacks were “motivated simply by nasty, racist hatred”. Then on Tuesday he made similar statements in a press conference, leaving the timeline no clearer.

When put together these facts indicate political leaders, police and the media acted to deliberately mislead the public as to the nature of the crime and its motivation for political reasons. 

The JCTT discussed providing this information earlier to the public, however, during our investigations, we continued to receive tip-offs about other terror plots related to this matter.

Out of an abundance of caution, it was agreed by all agencies that the operation would remain a JCTT investigation. While we were confident all these tip-offs were fake, we could not risk ignoring the information provided, and we kept investigating at the highest level.

The police failed to correct the fake narrative about the explosives, even though it would inevitably cause public hysteria and evoke a political response on false pretenses. And the investigation stayed private until just after the state and federal hate speech laws had passed. Quite the coincidence. 

The Official Story

Now we come to the AFP’s unveiling of the official story about who directed the fake attacks and why.

In my initial series of articles a month ago, I reached the conclusion that the most likely perpetrator of the fake plots was the state of Israel, or individuals associated with it. Israel has both the capacity and the motivation to interfere in our politics. What’s more, their leaders have directly cited the incidents in order to push the Australian Government to restrict the political freedoms of its people and stop its (mild) criticism of the Gaza Genocide. 

The official story is vastly different to this. It is certainly an interesting one, and worth reading in full. 

We are now confident that all these tip-offs were fabricated, and the caravan plot was an elaborate scheme contrived by organised criminals, domestically and from offshore. 

There were several people who had different levels of involvement in this fake terrorism plot but put simply, the plan was the following: 

Organise for someone to buy a caravan;

Place it with explosives and written material of antisemitic nature;

Leave it in a specific location; 

And then, once that had happened, inform law enforcement about an impending terror attack against Jewish Australians.

We believe the person pulling the strings wanted changes to their criminal status but maintained a distance from their scheme and hired alleged local criminals to carry out parts of their plan.

However, the plan was foiled. An AFP operational strategy is in place to take action against this individual and I won’t make any further comment on that. 

A number of people have been identified as part of this fake terrorism plot and the AFP is working with local and overseas law enforcement officials in our bid to have all of those responsible brought to justice.  

Regardless of the motivation of those responsible for this fake plot, this has had a chilling effect on the Jewish community. This twisted, self-serving criminality has terrorised Jewish Australians.

What organised crime has done to the Jewish community is reprehensible, and it won’t go without consequence. There was also unwarranted suspicion directed at other communities – and that is also reprehensible.

Those creating fake terror threats, including using antisemitism to elicit a desired response from law enforcement or the courts, face being charged for creating fake plots – and unfortunately for them, they will face the full experience, capability and dogged determination of terrorism investigators.

This is a rare time I will provide advice to criminals – serve your time quietly in prison and stop diverting the resources of terrorism investigators – otherwise your charges could be significantly upgraded.

Too many criminals are accused of paying others to carry out antisemitic or terrorism incidents to get our attention or divert our resources. And too many offenders working in the criminal gig economy are accepting these tasks for money.

In one example, the AFP will allege a prisoner last year tried to secure high-powered weapons for a fake terror plot so he could provide information to authorities in exchange for a reduction to his drug trafficking sentence.

He was identified after the AFP found evidence of his alleged plan on an encrypted platform.

He has been charged and now faces a longer term of imprisonment.

There are so many holes in this story that it’s difficult to know where to begin. 

Firstly, the perpetrator is allegedly a senior organised crime figure who is in prison and trying to get a reduced sentence in exchange for providing information about the fake terrorist plots. Yet if he’s already in jail, why would police believe that he has compelling information about a terror plot that occurred after he was imprisoned? And if he’s already in prison, then why haven’t the police managed to catch him yet? How did he manage to direct multiple fake terrorism plots involving over a dozen individuals from an Australian prison? Why would he need the help of organisers overseas if the people he’s paying to do the attacks are in Australia? 

What about the prisoner who last year “tried to secure high-powered weapons for a fake terror plot so he could provide information to authorities in exchange for a reduction to his drug trafficking sentence”? Is this a separate case? “Too many” criminals are apparently doing the same. Are fake terror plots becoming so routine that there’s several of them a year now? This appears to be the first time that the matter has been publicly reported. 

The alleged plot itself also makes no logical sense. The authorities treat terrorism far more severely than other crimes. Why would someone in prison for gang activity admit that they were involved in a far more serious crime? Surely that would give the police a blank cheque to raid that person’s friends and family, who are presumably also involved in organised crime and would likely be found with incriminating evidence of other illegal activities. Not to mention the fact that terrorism suspects can be held incommunicado, questioned for days on end and legally compelled to provide truthful information by ASIO.

And through all this, it’s just a pure coincidence that the fake attacks create a domestic situation in Australia that’s highly favourable to Israel and its local proxies. Their fake anti-Semitism crisis just happens to occur at the same time that Israel wants to find a smokescreen for its genocide in Gaza, and Jewish groups want to shut down domestic debate about Gaza and Jewish power. Somehow, the AFP has managed to find a resolution to a fake anti-Semitism crisis that has absolutely nothing to do with Jews and Israel.

Presumably the AFP has additional evidence to back up its extraordinary claims, as it will have to use them in court to prosecute these individuals. We’ll wait and see what happens during the trials to see how truthful the claim is.

Either way, it fails to change the fact that the attacks had nothing to do with free speech and everything to do with an organised criminal conspiracy. So-called hate speech laws would have done nothing to stop them.

The AFP has provided more than 90 members to support the activity today.

And I predict more arrests will come.

I would like to thank all our partners within the JCTT for their collaboration, experience and cool heads during a very public investigation.

I too hope that the truth comes out, but I very much doubt it will. 

Politicians lied, freedom died. 

The only conclusion that can be reached from the above facts is that Australians were deliberately lied to by the police, the political establishment and the press.

All three knew that the Dural caravan attack and other alleged attacks were fake, but they decided to pretend otherwise in order to achieve certain political objectives.

As a result, Australians have been robbed of their fundamental right to free speech. In compensation we’ve been given a bizarre, rambling story after the fact that explains very little and obfuscates more than it enlightens. 

Someone needs to be held accountable for this disgusting fraud committed against the Australian people. 

Everywhere Albanese and Minns go they must be confronted with the question: 

“When did you know that the Dural caravan plot was a hoax?”

The bastards can’t be allowed to memory-hole this one.

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