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John Howard’s ‘conservative legacy’ is a disarmed populace facing a migrant crime wave

A federal election is pending again and both sides of the uniparty are out courting Australia’s vote for what they’ll really do over the next three years – grovel to Israel and keep the borders open.

Immigration and crime are two of the main issues on the ballot, however the uniparty and most others are doing their best to keep it off and not discuss it.

At the forefront is exploding migrant crime and very little being done to stop and reverse it. Victoria appears to be the epicentre, with African machete crime and Middle Eastern tobacco wars raging.

The response from the left side of politics is to raise the age of criminal responsibility, while the “conservative” right are out talking (pretend) tough and deluding themselves about integration, assimilation and muh Australian values.

Former Prime Minister John Howard has been predictably wheeled out again by the Liberal Party as he is every election cycle, with his most recent commentary being on his apparent distaste for multiculturalism.

That flies in the face of everything he did in office on that front, as a large part of what we’re seeing now is a result of his immigration policies, which both sides of the uniparty are determined to continue.

Howard may have tried to stop the asylum seeker boats, but he opened the front door to three times as many arrivals by the time he had left office:

The disastrous UC-457 “skilled migration” program was started under his watch in 1996, with the infamous Abul Rizvi in his ear advising him, and has culminated with Indian qualifications now being considered on par with Australia’s. He also threw open the door to Chinese and Indian students which has destroyed the housing market, infrastructure and our national security.

A further part of this border disaster was that he handed out protection visas to Afghanis and Iraqis while the Global War on Terror was raging, and now we have Afghanis bashing lifeguards at community pools.

Social cohesion is now so bad, ASIO and the AFP don’t really know what to do except harass the small handful of White men trying to defend our cultural heritage against all of it.

And this is leaving aside Howard’s gas contract debacle with Japan, getting ADF soldiers killed in pointless wars in the middle east for Israel’s benefit, CGT discounts for housing, etc to name a few.

This veneration of Howard as some kind of conservative legend, is arguably one of the most cringe falsehoods ever perpetrated in Australian political folklore. His actions on immigration alone were a nation-wrecker whose legacy is now coming to fruition.

A couple of Boomers and Gen Xs did well out of the property market as a result of his policies, while the rest of us now can’t afford a house, nor live in said house without expecting an unexpected visit from some African imports at 3am with machetes in hand.

Furthermore, it was Howard and his then immigration minister Amanda Vanstone, who were responsible for importing the violent crime of the Sudanese into Australia on Global Humanitarian XB-200 visas.

As a result, Sudanese are now 51% of the youth detention population in Victoria and are a high percentage of the immigration detention population. The worst example of their behaviour being the alleged murder of Vyleen White in front of her granddaughter in Brisbane and the subsequent media and political cover-up.

Vanstone regularly tweets her indifference to the violent chaos she has handed Australia on X, but hey how fast can Gout Gout run?

Immigration disaster aside, Howard’s most infamous policy was the disarmament of Australia via the National Firearms Agreement following the Port Arthur Massacre – a crime which was never afforded a proper investigation in the form of a Royal Commission or Coronial Inquiry. Compare this to the Lindt Café Siege which had a joint state/federal inquiry begin in a matter of days following the incident.

On that note, independent filmmaker Paul Moder has produced an interesting series on Youtube, titled The WASP Files, taking an objective look back at Port Arthur, which is definitely worth perusing.

Despite banning everything that would be effective from deterring criminals, firearm numbers are now at record highs compared to before Port Arthur. However, the one area that matters, self-defence, is where Australians are completely outgunned in the face of violent assailants.

Year after year, firearm restrictions grow ever more onerous and overbearing. Western Australia is currently in a complete mess, as the state government has now banned almost everything. Ironically, WA is the only state in the country where pepper spray is legal, although its use is a grey area. Pepper spray isn’t great against gang of machetes, however it will keep the Indian sex pests at bay for women.

In my view, WA is the canary in the coalmine for what they want to do for the rest of the country – no firearms in civilian hands on a long enough timeline. There’s also the National Firearms Registry proposal, which is about centralising every firearm on one database nationally. Basically, a centralised criminal shopping list and a beachhead for national gun laws where they plan to use WA’s current laws (total disarmament) as the national template.

However, due to the state of our firearm laws, when it comes to facing a machete attack Australians are currently on their own. Calling the police may not even get you a response due to staff shortages. Even if they do turn up, it’s always too late and they may not catch the offender. Even if they do catch the offender, he’s out on bail because of an incredibly weak and corrupt justice system.

And if you do fight back, you may end up like Ben Batterham and dragged through the courts for years. Police aren’t immune to this either, just ask Zac Rolfe.

You may have the right of self-defence in Australia (which as above is now becoming questionable), but in reality it’s ineffective without the appropriate means. This needs to change.

It isn’t all bad news on that front. The Katter Party have introduced a bill in Queensland to have Castle Law adopted, which was initially shut down by the previous government but will be re-introduced under the recent LNP government. I am of the opinion it’s an achievable good start going forward, more so in Queensland than Victoria anyway.

Furthermore, if the courts continue to deliberately fail to uphold the social contract and police are continually overwhelmed and deployed to harass nationalists, then the alternative is the community starts taking matters into their own hands. You are seeing examples of this start already, presenting a real conundrum for the legitimacy of the Australian ruling class.

Howard’s so-called “conservative legacy” is a misnomer – he conserved nothing of any real tangible benefit. He did, however conserve open borders and the right of foreign criminals to do what they want to Australians and face no real consequences.

And with China embarrassing us with a simple naval exercise, a disarmed populace with a large, hostile, foreign diaspora is in no position to conserve Australia should the worst possible scenario eventuate on our shores.

Don’t worry, we’ll handle Russia though, right Albo?

Header image: John Howard in 2014 (By Robert Keating/DFAT, CC BY 2.0, Link – cropped).

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