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Filipino immigrant paedophile, 26, jailed in Brisbane for sexually abusing children

A paedophile Philippines national has been jailed for nine years in Queensland for sexually abusing children on social media platforms.

The 26-year-old, who was living in Brisbane on a residency visa, was arrested in May 2023 after Border Force officers searched his phone when he arrived on a flight from Manila and found child abuse material.

Australian Federal Police investigators identified recordings of the man engaging in sexual activity with four children, aged between nine and 15, on social media platforms across a six-month period in 2022.

In January this year he pleaded guilty to two counts of persistent sexual abuse of a child outside Australia, one count of engaging in sexual activity with a child under 16, and one count of engaging in sexual activity with a child outside Australia.

He also pleaded guilty to one count each of making child exploitation material, and possessing child abuse material.

On Friday he faced the Brisbane Supreme court where he was sentenced to nine years in jail, with a three-year non-parole period, and faces deportation after his sentence expires.

Australian Border Force Superintendent Amanda Coppleman said ABF officers worked with domestic and international partner agencies to bring paedophiles to justice.

“ABF officers work tirelessly to detect and stop individuals who attempt to smuggle child abuse material into the country,” Supt Coppleman said.

“This case highlights the vital role our officers play in disrupting the activities of offenders who travel internationally before they can cause harm to children.

“We will continue to work closely with our domestic and international law enforcement partners to ensure those who exploit children are identified and brought to justice.”

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