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BBC calls transgender paedophile by his preferred pronouns


Outlet: BBC

Headline: Trans woman charged with rape dies before court date

Summary: Maddison Wilson, a male paedophile who pretended to be a woman, hung himself before his trial for raping a five-year-old girl and a three-year-old boy.

Sadly, but not unsurprisingly, the BBC chose political correctness and ideological purity rather than accuracy when covering the story.

Not only did the BBC fail to mention the cause of death was suicide by hanging, it also insisted on calling Mr Wilson by female pronouns despite the judge calling the child rapist “mister” in court, and omitted to go into detail about the charges, which specifically mentioned the paedophile’s penis.

This corporate and state media obsession with humouring the insane demands of the gender-deluded is bad enough in regular stories, but when it’s done in articles on paedophiles it becomes downright offensive.

Maddison Wilson had a penis, and raped little kids with it. He has no right to be called by his preferred pronouns and no-one should be trying to respect his “gender identity”.

But, of course, what the BBC is really trying to do is brainwash you into believing that humans can change sexes, even though it’s biologically impossible.

Any media outlet that does this is not to be trusted – if they can’t get a person’s sex right, what else are they getting wrong or lying about?

Key quote: “Ms Wilson, of April Square, Portsmouth, had been due to face charges of rape of a girl under 13 and causing a girl aged five to engage in sexual activity”

Subtext: “Men can be women and if you disagree you’re a nasty bigot”

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Media Shame File