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Conservatives can’t stop antiwhite child rape gangs

I came across a copy of The Spectator today, and it looked promising.

Gang mentality: Douglas Murray on what justice would look like for grooming victims, was splashed across the cover over a White girl’s silhouette formed by a montage of Pakistanis, policemen and politicians.

It’s been great to see the Pakistani antiwhite child rape gangs of Britain getting the attention they deserve, and while I’m not usually a fan of Murray, I opened up the magazine to the article hoping to read a good take from him for once.

But I should have known what to expect from one of Britain’s top cuckservatives.

For what does “real justice” look like to Murray?

Harsh sentences and deportation for foreign nationals after serving those sentences.

“Imprison, punish, deport and expel,” he says.

That’s it.

No capital punishment. No mass deportations. No end to immigration from Pakistan.

No consequences for the police, the courts, the councils and the politicians that failed an unfathomable number of White girls (it could be more than one million, but Murray writes “thousands” in his article, even though there were an estimated 1,400 victims in Rotherham alone).

Just do what we already do, but with a few tweaks, an inquiry and some resignations, says Murray, and we can forget this bothersome thing ever happened.

There is another interesting statistic about Rotherham that has been somewhat overlooked – Pakistanis were less than 3% of the population in Rotherham in 2011.

Yet look at the damage they did over a couple of short decades.

About 1 in 16 Pakistani men in Rotherham were arrested.

How many more didn’t get caught?

How many more knew what was going on but wouldn’t inform on their own (while the White British authorities refused to protect their own)?

How can someone like Murray look at these numbers and a) not wonder how bad it would be if they were 6%, or 60%, b) think that keeping a few hundred perpetrators in jail for a bit longer and then deporting the ones too stupid to renounce their Pakistani citizenship would solve the problem, and c) not consider what would have happened if the other 97% of the town were acting in their own ethnic self-interest?

For myself, and I suspect most people reading this, “real justice” would be nothing short of the death penalty for everyone involved, and the complete removal of every last Pakistani from the British Isles, before it’s too late

Nothing short of this will solve the problem, because the Pakistanis are the problem.

And why are there Pakistanis in Britain anyway?

What possible contribution could outweigh the rape of a million girls? How could they possibly atone for this in a million years?

What contributions have they made anyway? I can’t think of a single way they make Britain, or anywhere else for that matter, a better place.

And if they had any honour themselves, they would all self-deport in shame, but they don’t, which is another reason they have to go.

But back to Murray, and his “real justice”.

What his article shows is that conservatives are not even capable of grasping the problem, let alone solving it.

They don’t intend to make any structural changes, because at the end of the day they like the system the way it is, they’re part of it, and they are benefiting from it. They want more of the same, with smoother edges. More Pakistanis, more diversity, more White girls raped for being White.

And what that means is a vote for conservatives, whether it be in the UK, Australia, Canada, or anywhere else, is a vote for antiwhite child rape gangs. Act accordingly.

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