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Virgin Australia stewardess raped in Fiji nightclub nightmare

A female Virgin Australia crew member was raped by a gang of local youths after leaving a nightclub in Fiji on New Year’s Eve.

A male staffers was also robbed and assaulted in the early hours of January 1 near Bar One in Martintar, Nadi, which had an Afro-Caribbean themed party that night, and needed treatment for facial injuries.

A local source told National News Network that a group of males aged 18 to 19 lay in wait outside the nightclub before attacking the Virgin staffers.

“They followed them down the road, it was about 200m away from Bar One,” the source said.

“The police came and tried to catch them but they ran off into a field.

“They (the flight crew members) were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

The Fijian government said in a statement: “These alleged incidents are regrettable. There were two separate alleged incidents, one being alleged theft and the other being alleged sexual assault which affected two different crew members.

“A suspect known to police for the alleged sexual assault has been questioned. Investigation continues.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism Viliame Gavoka told Fiji Village News the incident was “regrettable”, and said the crew members were being looked after at a local hotel.

Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew told the Fiji Sun: “We confirm police are investigating the Australian airline crew case as they were victims of theft and of allegations of rape after clubbing”.

Header image: Bar One nightclub

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