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New anti-immigration party to take on Western Australian premier in his own seat

A new anti-immigration political party has launched in Western Australia and will challenge the state premier in his own seat.

Australian Patriots Party candidate and former One Nation member Paul Howard will run in the Perth electorate of Kwinana, which is held by left-wing Labor premier Roger Cook.

Mr Cook was WA Health Minister at the beginning of the Covid pandemic where the state imposed vaccine and mask mandates and violated human rights with strict restrictions and border closures. He also holds far-left positions on radical gender ideology and indigenous land rights.

The Australian Patriots Party said it would concentrate in Kwinana in the state election, set for March 8 next year, as it believes it would have the “biggest impact on highlighting the flaws of the Labor party”.

Former Busselton Council candidate and political commentator Stephen Wells endorsed the emerging party, which describes itself as national conservative, in an article for XYZ on Sunday titled “Why you should vote for The Australian Patriots Party”.

“There is a small glimmer of hope for Western Australians in the next state election. At least for the seat of Kwinana. Former One Nation member Paul Howard has established a new conservative party named the Australian Patriots Party,” he wrote.

“They have a net zero immigration policy and promote ‘Christian Anglo Celtic culture and values’. Paul has been described by another disgruntled former One Nation member as ‘the life and soul of One Nation before starting his own party’.”

Mr Wells asked the party about its policy positions on Facebook and a spokesperson replied: “We describe our party as National Conservative, with a strong element of Australian Nationalism.

“We want Australia to remain a predominantly English speaking, Christian, Anglo-Celtic nation.”

In addition to a net zero immigration policy, the party says in its website that its top policies relate to the housing crisis, cost-of-living, crime and punishment, healthcare, and pensioners.

The party offers free membership and is in the process of collecting signatures to register with the Western Australia Electoral Commission.

For far too long, foreign powers have had a negative impact on our nation,” the party said.

“They have diluted our ability to self-sustain, our cultural and business ethics, our standards of health and care, our national identity and sense of pride.

“We believe that it’s time to take a stand and make a change. By joining the Australian Patriots Party, you will be part of a movement that is dedicated to protecting our country and its people.”

Mr Wells said he endorsed the Australian Patriots in part due to the implosion of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation in Western Australia.

One Nation’s only state MP, Ben Dawkins, resigned last week, and the party has been under fire for selecting pro-immigration Indian Sikh Parminder Singh as its third-place upper house candidate, in an ongoing scandal dubbed Parmindergate.

“With One Nation selling out their supporters in WA by fielding an Indian migrant with poor English as a candidate in next year’s upcoming state election, it looked as though patriotic Whites would have no one to vote for. Parminder Singh has a long history of promoting an invasion of India into Australia,” Mr Wells wrote.

Header image credit: Australian Patriots Party

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