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Pacific Islander who stabbed newlywed Aussie paramedic 55 times found ‘not criminally responsible’ for the killing

The family of a newlywed paramedic who was stabbed to death in a Sydney McDonald’s carpark are furious after their son’s Pacific Islander killer was found not criminally responsible for the horrific attack due to “mental impairment”.

Jordan James Fineanganofo, 23, pleaded not guilty to murder in the NSW Supreme Court over the unprovoked killing of Steven Tougher, 29, in Campbelltown, south-west Sydney, on April 14, 2023, just a month after the victim’s wedding.

Justice David Davies found on Friday that “the accused suffered from a mental health impairment” which had the effect that Fineanganofo “did not know that his actions were wrong”, Nine News reported.

Mr Tougher, whose wife was expecting a child, was eating lunch with a colleague when Fineanganofo said “I am going to fucking kill you” and stabbed him 55 times, but two forensic psychiatrists claimed that he was suffering from a psychotic illness consistent with a relapse of schizophrenia.

Fineanganofo claimed he was hearing voices in the period leading up to the attack, and that he believed he was surrounded by demons, as well as experiencing paranoia and suicidal ideation.

The court previously heard that Fineanganofo said either “I’m going to jail anyway, I may as well kill him” or “I’ve gotta kill him because I’ve gotta go to jail”, but one of the psychiatrists when asked if that showed awareness of moral wrongdoing that the killer was driven by his supposed delusions, ABC News reported.

After the stabbing Fineanganofo approached Mr Tougher again and said “say you’re sorry to me”, to which the fatally wounded paramedic responded: “I’m sorry mate, for whatever you think I’ve done”.

Both the defence and the Crown prosecutor agreed that Fineanganofo could be found not criminally responsible due to his supposed mental health issues, but Mr Tougher’s father Jeff called the ruling “appalling”, the Daily Telegraph reported.

“It is neither what we wanted nor what we expected. Stephen has been lost in this deeply flawed and broken process,” he said.

“This fellow made my son beg for his life, telling him to ‘say you’re sorry, say you’re sorry’, beg for his life.”

Jeff Tougher said he would push for an inquest into his son’s death and the circumstances surrounding it, and that the family “strongly opposed” the finding and were “deeply offended” that they were not consulted about the decision.

“What shocks us the most, is that more than 12 months after Steven’s death, his killer was assessed by two forensic psychiatrists,” he said.

“It was their opinions that ultimately led to the verdict that Steven’s killer should not be held criminally responsible for his death.

“These opinions were never tested in court, and the two psychiatrists responsible for this deeply offensive decision have not even set foot in this courtroom.”

As Fineanganofo was taken into custody a member of the public gallery yelled “rot in Hell you dog”, while another shouted “you chose not to take your medication, you’re the demon”.

Victim impact statements will be read in court next week.

Header image: Steven Tougher, left, Jordan James Fineanganofo, right.


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