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Hunt for child molester after schoolgirl was attacked in Perth in broad daylight

A manhunt is underway in Perth after a child was indecently assaulted on the street in the middle of the afternoon.

Western Australia Police on Friday released images of a man of Indian or subcontinental appearance they believe can assist them with an investigation into the incident, which took place on Thursday.

A teenage girl was walking along a street in Harrisdale at about 3.25pm when she was approached by a stranger, police said.

Police said the man, who is yet to be identified, engaged in a brief conversation with girl before indecently assaulting her.

Detectives from the Child Abuse Squad are investigating, and released a description of a man they wish to speak to.

“He is described as being aged in his mid to late 20s, approximately 170-175cm tall, of medium build, with short black hair,” police said.

“He was wearing a yellow polo shirt with black long sleeved shirt underneath, black pants and black and white shoes.”

Locals on social media expressed their concerns for the girl, but some also asked why police did not give a more specific description.

“Gotta love how you no longer actually give a description of the person. Everyone is too scared to give a skin colour. What a joke. Call it as it is,” said the most liked comment on the WA Police Force Facebook post about the incident.

“Hope the young lady is recovering and getting the right care,” said another.

Earlier this year Queensland Police were criticised for giving a vague description of an Asian man who attacked a baby with hot coffee in Brisbane and fled the country before being identified.

Header image: A man who police believe can assist them with an investigation into the indecent assault of a child (WA Police)

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