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Western Australian council votes for immediate suspension of Covid vaccines

Port Hedland Council in Western Australia has endorsed a call for the immediate suspension of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines on safety grounds.

At a special council meeting on Friday in Australia’s iron ore capital, councillors voted five to two to pass the motion which also resolved to inform all local health practitioners of the results of a recent report on DNA contamination by Canadian virologist David Speicher.

The motion additionally called for letters from the council and Victorian MP Russell Broadbent to be sent to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, that the reports and letters be presented to the WA Department of Health, and that all councils and shires in Australia be informed about the findings of the report.

Deputy Mayor Ash Christensen, who was a vocal opponent of the state’s human rights-violating vaccine mandates, voted for the motion alongside councillors Adrian McRae, Camilo Blanco, Sven Arentz and Lorraine Buston.

Mr McRae received applause from the public gallery after delivering speeches on Dr Speicher’s report, and more than 10 local residents also addressed the meeting in support of the motion.

Mayor Peter Carter told 6PR radio on Monday he was disappointed with the motion, and said it was “not the role of council”, while councillor Ambika Rebello also said that “a debate on health issues pertaining to the evils of gene therapy and vaccine” was for local government.

In Mr Broadbent’s September 20 letter he stated: “On 18 September 2024, an alarming report was released by Canadian virologist, Dr David Speicher, confirming significant synthetic DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines used in Australia.

“The findings indicate DNA contamination levels up to 145 times higher than Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) safety limits. These findings have also been replicated in Germany, Canada, and the United States. This information adds to the growing safety concerns surrounding these vaccines.

“Dr Speicher’s findings suggest the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were rushed to the public without adequate safety testing of the non-trial based batches. Now we are seeing alarming DNA contaminations levels coupled with the possibility of genomic integration. This could explain the reported rise in cancers and other severe health outcomes we are seeing in our highly vaccinated Australian population.”

The letter goes on to called for a “full and transparent inquiry” into the safety of the vaccines, and the immediate suspension of their use.

“It would appear that both the TGA and the Department of Health have failed the Australian people by ignoring repeated warnings by experts and pushing ahead by continuing to distribute these vaccines,” Mr Broadbent wrote.

“The Department of Health must be held accountable for these failures and we urge you to authorise an independent investigation of these products.”

Western Australia has been at the centre of several recent Covid-related controversies, with WA Police firing officers years after refusing to take the vaccine, and a doctor being suspended and being forced to undergo “education and training” for opposing vaccine and mask mandates.

Header image: Councillor Adrian McRae, left, councillor Ambika Rebello, right, and a post informing residents of the meeting, inset (Port Hedland Council)

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