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Female Victoria Police sergeant suspended for allegedly performing Nazi salutes

Update: Chief Commissioner Shane Patton apologised to Victoria’s Jewish community on Saturday, and said the alleged incidents would “exacerbate grief and pain” related to the anniversary of October 7. He alleged that the officer also said “heil Hitler” as she performed the salute.

A Victoria Police officer has been stood down and put under investigation for allegedly performing Nazi salutes.

The female sergeant, 65, from the People Development Command allegedly made the gesture on two occasions this week in front of colleagues at the Victoria Police Academy, police said.

The 40-year veteran of the force was suspended on Friday evening as part of a criminal investigation into the allegations.

“Professional Standards Command are investigating the incidents which occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday this week while the female officer was on-duty,” Victoria Police said in a statement.

“The member has been suspended on pay.

“As the matter is ongoing, it wouldn’t be appropriate to comment further at this time.”

The incident comes just days after Australian nationalist Jacob Hersant became the first person to be found guilty of violating Victoria’s controversial laws banning the political salute, sparking outrage from free speech advocates.

Magistrate Brett Sonnet said in court that he intended to impose a term of imprisonment at sentencing in four weeks’ time, but Mr Hersant has said he will immediately appeal on the grounds that the laws violate his implied right to political expression under the constitution.

Last week it was revealed that the Victoria Police Force has a shortage of 1,000 officers after a huge surge in departures.

There are now 1,029 vacant positions statewide, up by 200 since June 30, and the situation in Victoria is so dire that the force is contacting applicants who failed entrance exams or physicals and asking them to reapply.

Header image: Victoria Police Academy (Victoria Police)

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