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The Great Replacement accelerates in New Zealand and Australia

As The Noticer reported yesterday, New Zealand’s latest ethnicity data showed that the country is on track to become minority White by 2028.

This is absolutely insane and is accelerating daily.

This has been done by the pincer movement of rampant immigration and record numbers of Kiwis fleeing the country in response.

Australia is not doing any better, with this data showing Melbourne and Sydney being overrun with foreigners:

On top of that, we have migrants now storming government buildings demanding they get permanent residency:

We have Muslims erecting their holy sites in the Sydney CBD:

As well as marching through the streets supporting foreign conflicts and now launching their own political parties:

It’s all deliberate and it’s nothing less than ethnic cleansing of White Australians and their replacement with a globally homogenous migrant mix.

This is multiculturalism’s intended outcome – political and economic balkanisation of the country with the host populace surrounded with hostile parallel societies. It hasn’t failed, it’s succeeded for the ruling class.

Diversity is their strength over Australia.

The takeaway is the demographic timebomb’s fuse is burning faster everyday and the current options to resolve it politically are few and pathetic. The centre-right aren’t going to cut it, they don’t have the will or the balls and the best they can come up with is a temporary pause or “net zero” and then back to business as usual.

Only mass deportations are going to solve this, otherwise Brazil 2.0 and then South Africa 2.0 are our destinations with the worst of the EU right now on the journey downwards.

Header image: Afghanistan-born senator Fatima Payman with international students (Fatima Payman – Facebook)

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