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Analysis - United States


Joe Biden leaves destruction in his wake

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has dropped out of the 2024 race for president. The 46th commander-in-chief released a statement this week saying that he would not be seeking his party’s nomination for the office of president, that he was endorsing Kamala Harris for the position, and that he would serve out the remainder of his term in office.

At this point, every American knows that President Biden is suffering from increasingly severe cognitive decline. Some Americans, including most of the right, pointed out his seemingly slow cognitive abilities all the way back during the 2020 election cycle and have been proven right.

There are a lot of questions to ask at this point such as: who has been running the country while the clearly impaired president has been unable to execute his duties? The most obvious answer is his cabinet, his chief of staff, and the entrenched bureaucracy in Washington D.C.. The empire does not require a sharp figurehead when it has established significant enough institutional momentum.

Still, whether Joe Biden was making the decisions, he leaves the country in far worse shape than he found it. Americans have every right to question what the legacy of this president represents beyond further decline, degradation, and demographic change.

This single most significant occurrence under Biden has been the incredible wave of ceaseless illegal immigration into the country. The lowest credible estimate, as acknowledged by the Hill, is that some 10 million illegals (mostly from South and Central America) have been allowed into the United States during Joe Biden’s term. And we do mean allowed.

President Biden’s government has ordered that literal floodgates on the US-Mexico border wall remain open so that 14,000 illegal aliens could cross through them per day.

People from as far afield as China and Egypt have been crossing via this route, along with large numbers of Cubans and Black Caribbeans.

These figures do not include the “gotaways”, undetected migrants, and other encountered crossers which the Department of Homeland Security does not include in its public data. In reality, more than 15-18 million illegal immigrants will have entered the United States under Joe Biden’s watch, joining the more than 22 million that were already resident in the country, according to a 2018 Yale University study.

Illegal immigration is not the only source of immigration. Since taking office the number of legal immigrants has soared to new heights and by the time Joe Biden leaves office it is probable that 4.8 million legal immigrants will have been admitted to the United States.

This brings the total number of immigrants admitted under the Biden administration to a minimum of 15 million and a maximum of 22.8 million. This figure represents a greater number of people than live in 48 of America’s 50 states, with only Texas and California having populations larger than the number of admitted immigrants.

And it is not the case that those legal immigrants were admitted to work and contribute to the fabric of American society. Rather, just 27% of immigrants to the United States are admitted on a work visa while more than 58% are admitted as family members of immigrants (most relatives of U.S. ‘citizens’ are relatives of naturalised citizens).

And it is not just that these illegals have crossed into the United States, taking jobs, straining the social safety net, and displacing Americans. They have also been killing, torturing, raping, and otherwise criminally harming Americans for years both before and during the Biden Administration.

story from July of 2024 shows that one of the teenagers arrested for killing a New Orleans tour guide was an illegal alien from Honduras. The delinquent illegal alien, who was released into the country by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, has accrued a string of arrests for theft and other minor crimes during his short time in the United States.

In another crime from June of 2024, it was revealed that New York police had hidden the kidnapping and rape of a 15-year-old girl because the perpetrator was a 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Turkey.

And in yet a final example, this time from October of 2023, more than 11 illegal aliens were arrested for the kidnap and gang rape of underage girls some as young as just 11 years old. One of the arrested illegal aliens entrusted his girlfriend, 24-year-old Verna Fairbanks, to assist in drugging one of the girls to be raped.

It is far from just the rampant crime that is killing and harming Americans, though.

The pervasive anti-White environment, perpetuated by Joe Biden himself, continues to lead to record deaths of despair, overdoses, and a rash of self-harm which his government has been entirely disinterested in dealing with.

Suicides have reached an all-time high under Joe Biden’s watch, with nearly 50,000 Americans electing to take their own life in 2023. Some 70% of suicide deaths in the United States are White men while Whites represent 75% of all suicides in the country each year. In total more than 200,000 Whites, overwhelmingly middle-aged males, will have taken their lives during the Biden presidency.

It is also under Joe Biden that the incidents of drug overdose deaths have skyrocketed to above 100,000 per year. Most drug overdose deaths, roughly 82,000 each year, are the result of opioid abuse and the lion’s share of these deaths are Whites at about 63% of opioid deaths each year. By the time Biden leaves office more than 220,000 Whites will have died from opioid or other drug-related overdose deaths with little to no support from their government in avoiding this outcome.

And in a final blow, Joe Biden will have left White America economically worse off than when he found it amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, White male wages have stagnated significantly. White male wages have not been this low since 2018 and so far as the data continues to show these wages are stagnating at a steady pace.

Overall wages for Whites (for both men and women) have not grown since 2019. Yet, wages for African Americans have not only recovered from their pre-pandemic levels but have since surpassed them. Hispanic wages too are several points higher than they were at the end of 2019, just before the pandemic hit.

It is very clear that one population, non-Whites, is receiving the attention of the state and private capital. While Whites are being slowly cut out of high-earning and other skilled work.


Joe Biden was likely never fit to be president of the United States, not only because of his declining cognitive abilities but also because he believes that the declining White majority and its inevitable fall into minority status will be a “good thing” for the country.

There is no country without a strong White majority to underpin its culture, heritage, political system, and demographic future.

This article originally appeared on White-Papers and is republished by The Noticer with permission. Follow the White Papers Policy Institute on Telegram here.

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