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Australia - Opinion


Soft-on-crime lefties can’t complain about rape and domestic violence

Last month the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed sexual assaults have skyrocketed since 1993.

A shocking survey of 5,000 people released a couple of weeks later found that 3.9% of the male participants and 1.6% of women had committed rape at least once in their lives.

And for much of this year a disturbingly high and steadily rising number of alleged domestic violence murders has sparked a moral panic.

Left-wing journalists and politicians cry “why is this happening?” – but they’re the ones to blame.

It’s happening for two main reasons – our failure to lock up bad people, and our insistence on importing immigrants from violent countries on a grand scale.

We all know that most serious crimes like rape and murder are committed by a small minority of mostly young male repeat offenders who are extremely hard to control.

To solve this problem we used to simply execute them, or jail them for a very long time.

Both solutions kept these violent men from raping women or murdering their wives, and stopped them from passing on their criminal genes.

It wasn’t “nice”, but it worked.

But then left-wingers (or progressives, or liberals, or whatever you want to call them) decided that the death penalty was mean, and that putting people in jail was some kind of human rights violation. Ironically, these are the same people that locked us up during Covid, wanted us forcibly injected with an experimental drug, and want you fired for your political opinions.

So now we have criminals released on bail more often than not and/or given short sentences, meaning that the worst people in society are roaming the streets, raping and murdering women, while also having lots of criminally inclined children.

At the same time, these same people, who also control the corporate media, academia, the entertainment industry and the major political parties, have been importing millions of migrants, mostly from poorer and more violent countries, despite poll after poll showing Australians want immigration reduced.

Most new immigrants now come from India, the rape and gang-rape capital of the world, while Africans and Middle Easterners have been preying on Australian women for decades now.

So next time one of these hypocrites complains about the “gendered violence epidemic” or rising sexual assault rates, remind them it’s all their fault.

You can have low crime, or you can have liberalism, but you can’t have both.

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