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Australia - Opinion


Treasonous proposal to let non-citizens vote is a threat to our sovereignty

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In recent years, Australia has witnessed an unprecedented surge in migration levels, resulting in the rapid growth of foreign communities across the nation.

This influx of migrants has led to the formation of powerful voting blocs, particularly among the Muslim and other diaspora communities. As a result, native Australians are being systematically replaced, and our unique national identity is under threat.

Now there’s a push in the mainstream media to grant voting rights to permanent residents, which a treacherous scheme posing a direct threat to our sovereignty and the future of our nation.

The proponents of this plan argue that it is a matter of fairness and equality, claiming that permanent residents contribute to the Australian economy and society and, therefore, should be granted the right to vote. However, this argument is fundamentally flawed and ignores the broader implications of such a policy.

First and foremost, the right to vote is not a privilege to be bestowed upon anyone residing within our borders. It is a sacred responsibility entrusted to citizens with a vested interest in the long-term well-being and prosperity of our nation.

Allowing permanent residents to vote without first attaining full citizenship would undermine the integrity of our democratic process by diluting the voices of Australians.

Moreover, the granting of voting rights to permanent residents would inevitably lead to the further entrenchment of foreign voting blocs within our political system.

These blocs, such as the Muslim voting bloc, have already demonstrated their ability to exert significant influence over our political landscape, often to the detriment of traditional Australian interests.

By allowing permanent residents to vote, we would be effectively endorsing the continued growth and consolidation of these foreign power bases, further eroding our national sovereignty.

The consequences of this policy would be dire for Australians, who would find themselves increasingly marginalised and disenfranchised within their own country.

We have already witnessed the rapid demographic shifts that have occurred in certain areas of Australia, where once predominantly native Australian communities are being replaced by foreign populations.

This trend, if left unchecked, will only accelerate, leading to the eventual displacement of native Australians from their traditional territories.

Furthermore, the granting of voting rights to permanent residents would send a clear message to the rest of the world that Australia is a nation without a distinct identity or core values.

We would be signalling our willingness to abandon our unique Australian heritage and culture in favour of a watered-down, multicultural identity devoid of any real substance or meaning.

This would be a betrayal of the sacrifices made by our ancestors, who fought and died to preserve our nation’s sovereignty and unique way of life.

As patriotic Australians, we must reject this plan and instead work towards a vision of a strong, sovereign Australia unapologetically proud of its heritage and unique identity.

It is our duty to protect our nation’s sovereignty and preserve the legacy of our forebears for future generations.

We must not allow the treacherous schemes of those seeking to undermine our national identity and values to succeed.

Together, we can ensure that Australia remains a beacon of hope and prosperity for Australians and a shining example of a proud sovereign nation.

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