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Time to end the DEI experiment – fire all women in the Secret Service

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was just one big long woman moment.

From the failure to secure the site, to the incompetent Secret Service agent leaving Trump’s body exposed moments after the shooting, and the three fat females bumbling around as they rushed him away from the scene, the shooting shows why you never want to be protected by a woman.

The fish rots from the head, and at the top of the Secret Service is an overweight diversity hire called Kimberly Cheatle.

Did she personally decide that no-one should be watching the closest roof to where Trump, the world’s biggest target, was doing a speech?

Of course not, but she is on record saying she’s focused on diversity hiring – “particularly women” – and her service record consists of decades of administrative roles. And any man pulled off the street and put in charge of the rally security would have had police watching that spot.

In 2022, while working for Pepsico before being appointed Director by Joe Biden, Cheatle featured in a glowing article in Security Magazine, where she spoke about being the Secret Service’s first female Assistant Director:

“That achievement in a male-dominated industry was not lost on me. I kept a photo on my desk of the first five women sworn into the service, and I used that to remind me that these women created opportunities for me and I can help others grow and lead as well.”

It’s the same story again and again, from government to the corporate world. Men get put in charge and put their energy into trying to do the best job possible. Women get put in charge and immediately start trying to hire more women, homosexuals, non-Whites, and people who are actually retarded.

And that last part is not an exaggeration – the Secret Service has a whole program specifically designed to hire people with disabilities, along with similar initiatives aimed at boosting the recruitment and promotion of almost everyone who isn’t a straight White male.

Did Cheatle personally hire the female agent who rushed to protect Trump after the shooting, only to bend down to pick up and hat, leaving his body exposed at a time when no-one knew whether the threat had been neutralised?

Unlikely, but she should not have been hired in the first place. How do I know? Because she’s a woman.

One look at the different standards expected for men and women on the Secret Service Physical Fitness Assessment, a test agents need to pass to become operational officers, shows that there’s no way you should trust a female agent as much as a male one.

Trainees need 10 points to pass, which women in their 30s can achieve by doing 12 push-ups, 29 sit-ups, 3 chin-ups, and a 1.5 miles run in 15 minutes.

A male of the same age would need to do 30 push-ups, 39 sit-ups, 8 chin-ups, and a mile in 12 minutes and 20 seconds to get the same passing mark.

Did Cheatle personally hire the bumbling female agents who looked flustered and out of their depth as Trump was whisked away? At least four women were part of that detail, and one of them couldn’t even get her gun back in its holster.

Again, unlikely, but these women should never have been there in the first place.

It’s time to stop pretending that women can do everything men can do – they simply cannot.

There shouldn’t be any women in the Secret Service, law enforcement, or the military. They are mentally and physically unsuited to roles involving violence. It’s an open secret in the police that female officers are a liability – they are weak at best, and dangerous at worst.

This is common sense, everyone knows it’s true and pretends it isn’t, but the joke has gone too far now – DEI is a proven disaster, a failed experiment that must end.

The only solution is a complete purge of women from all of these type of jobs.

They all have to go.

Is this unfair to the one-in-a-million agent/cop/soldier/pilot who really is “just as good as the men”?

Yes, but that’s a small price to pay for having a competent workforce.

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