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Bombshell photos show the European Union is funding the illegal immigrant invasion of the United States

The European Union is funding the ongoing invasion of the United States via “humanitarian aid” projects in Latin America.

Exclusive images provided to Border Hawk by photojournalist James Breeden indicate that US-bound migrants in Central and South America are receiving material support paid for by the EU and distributed by organisations such as the Red Cross and the United Nations.

Breeden recently photographed migrants in Panama carrying aid bags emblazoned with logos of the “Cruz Roja Panameña” (Panamanian Red Cross) and the EU.

“Financed by the European Union Humanitarian Aid” a message on each bag reads (James Breeden – Border Hawk News)

(James Breeden – Border Hawk News)

(James Breeden – Border Hawk News)

(James Breeden – Border Hawk News)

(James Breeden – Border Hawk News)

In 2022, the EU announced the launch of the “European Humanitarian Response Capacity” and the establishment of an “overseas aid stockpile in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

“Following his recent visit to Colombia, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič is visiting Panama on the second leg of his stay in Latin America and the Caribbean. On the occasion, the Commissioner announced €153 million in humanitarian aid for the region as a whole for 2022,” the supranational body explained in a press release at the time.

“EU funding will address urgent humanitarian needs across the region, among which those resulting from the Venezuelan crisis, food insecurity, exposure to natural hazards, transcontinental migration as well as the consequences of pervasive violence, conflict and forced displacement.”

Months later, the EU touted its involvement at ‘reception centers’ in Lajas Blancas, a town on the north side of the infamous Darién Gap in Panama.

Many hundreds of thousands of migrants from across the globe have passed through the Darién on their way to the U.S. in recent years.

“Thanks to EU humanitarian funding, reception centres such as ‘Lajas Blancas’ provide migrants and refugees with essential services, including first aid and basic medical care and nutritional screening,” the EU explained in a 2023 article.

“The reception centres also assist victims of gender violence, maternal and child care, and water and sanitation. Migrants receive support for legal registration and help to reconnect with family members.”

The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations office says Darién projects are managed by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

In 2022, Border Hawk exposed how the United Nations distributes funding and aid to US-bound migrants in the documentary film “American Mirage.”

Border Hawk will continue to investigate the EU’s involvement in illegal migration flows in the Western Hemisphere.

Special thanks to James Breeden for exclusive images featured in this article.

This article orginally appeared on Borderhawk News and is republished by The Noticer with permission

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