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White South African farmer, 60, is shot by three black thugs with AK-47s during attempted carjacking

A White South African farmer has survived being shot by three black criminals armed with AK-47s who tried to steal his car.

Francois Oosthuizen, 60, was ambushed on his farm near Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal on June 20 but managed to escape his attackers.

The three black gunmen jumped into the road in front of Mr Oosthuizen’s vehicle and opened fire, Volkskrag News reported.

Mr Oosthuizen accelerated and managed to drive away, but soon realised he had been shot in the leg.

Ladysmith South Africa White farmer shot
Francois Oosthuizen
Ladysmith South Africa White farmer shot
The blood-splattered vehicle after the attack

A photo of his car shows blood stains on the steering wheel and floor of the car, and bullet holes in the passenger-side window.

“The shots started flying. They shot through the windshield. I floored it to get past them. Just as I passed them, I noticed my hand was full of blood and there was a big hole in my leg,” Mr Oosthuizen said.

He was then able to call neighbours on his two-way radio who then rushed him to hospital. Cartridges at the scene suggest the weapons used were AK-47 and South African-made Vektor R4 assault rifles.

Mr Oosthuizen said he is now considering selling his farm.

The attack came just a week before black politician Andile Mngxitama, of President Zuma’s uMkhonto weSizwe party (MKP), was elected to the South African Parliament despite once calling for the murder of White women, children, and even their pets.

Interracial crime in South Africa continues to disproportionately affect the nation’s White minority, with overt calls of violence believed to be responsible for a marked uptick in anti-White killings.

From 2022 to 2023, cases of kidnapping increased by 41.7%, attempted murders rose by 13.7% and reported carjacking incidents increased by 8.5% compared to the previous year.

Ernst Roets, head of policy for South Africa’s Christian-conservative Solidarity Movement, said that killings of White farmers by black suspects would often result in slogans like “Kill the Boer” being written on the walls of their homes in blood.

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