Crackdown on an already banned Hamas raises free speech fears in Germany
Journalists are suddenly worried about free speech when one of their pet causes, Palestine, is on the wrong end of a crackdown.
State Library of Victoria under fire for drag queen story hour and gay disco aimed at kids
The library ignored a petition with more than 13,000 signatures and hosted the events anyway.
Peculiar phenomenon of government-backed “protests” against YOU
Don’t let them fool you with fake rallies for finished causes.
Libya begins deporting illegal immigrants back to Nigeria
Libya is able to deport illegal immigrants despite being a failed state.
Homosexual men warned to restrict sexual activity as monkeypox reappears in Victoria during gay festival
Victoria has recorded its first locally acquired case of monkeypox in almost six months.
South Australian who suffered Covid vaccine injury after being forced to get a booster to keep his job wins workers compensation battle
Daniel Shepherd was forced to get vaccinated to keep his job. He’s been sick ever since.